android Programming Glossary: accesstoken
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? and how to solve this problem. If i use xmpp.login apiKey accessToken Application i am getting this error IllegalArgumentException.. i got solution from Amal solution xmpp.login apiKey accessToken Application android facebook xmpp share improve this question.. public boolean logIn String apiKey String accessToken try connection.login apiKey accessToken setPresenceState Presence.Type.available..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API line JSONObject json new JSONObject buffer.toString String accessToken json.getString access_token return accessToken catch IOException.. String accessToken json.getString access_token return accessToken catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return null Now we can.. private static Long getSubscriptionExpire String accessToken String refreshToken String subscriptionId String purchaseToken..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) mTwitter.getOAuthAccessToken mRequestToken oauthVerifier accessToken at.getToken System.out.println access token accessToken accessTokenSecret.. accessToken at.getToken System.out.println access token accessToken accessTokenSecret at.getTokenSecret getFollowers Intent twitterFriendIntent.. at.getToken System.out.println access token accessToken accessTokenSecret at.getTokenSecret getFollowers Intent twitterFriendIntent..
Android post picture to Facebook wall stub And the helper method private void postToWall String accessToken Bundle params new Bundle params.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken.. Bundle params new Bundle params.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken The byte array is the data of a picture. params.putByteArray..
Posting LinkedIn message from Android application OAUTH_PREF MODE_PRIVATE final LinkedInAccessToken accessToken oAuthService .getOAuthAccessToken new LinkedInRequestToken.. OAUTH_QUERY_VERIFIER pref.edit .putString PREF_TOKEN accessToken.getToken .putString PREF_TOKENSECRET accessToken.getTokenSecret.. accessToken.getToken .putString PREF_TOKENSECRET accessToken.getTokenSecret .remove PREF_REQTOKENSECRET .commit return..
twitter4j => AndroidRuntime(446): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: twitter4j.http.AccessToken 446 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError twitter4j.http.AccessToken I am trying to use twitter4j for my app to connect and post.. E dalvikvm 374 Could not find class 'twitter4j.http.AccessToken' referenced from method 374 VFY unable to resolve new instance 67 Ltwitter4j http AccessToken in Lcom ecs android sample twitter TwitterUtils D dalvikvm 374..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) oauthVerifier String data.getExtras .get oauth_verifier AccessToken at null try Pair up our request with the response at mTwitter.getOAuthAccessToken.. Pair up our request with the response at mTwitter.getOAuthAccessToken mRequestToken oauthVerifier accessToken at.getToken System.out.println.. TwitterConstants.CONSUMER_SECRET builder.setOAuthAccessToken accessToken builder.setOAuthAccessTokenSecret accessTokenSecret..
remote_app_id does not match stored id - exception 15 16 22.939 E session 4583 is Session state OPENING token AccessToken token ACCESS_TOKEN_REMOVED permissions appId 420081348034777.. E session 4583 is Session state CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED token AccessToken token ACCESS_TOKEN_REMOVED permissions appId 420081348034777..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly access_token if access_token null expires 1 facebook.setAccessToken access_token facebook.setAccessExpires expires return facebook.isSessionValid.. Bundle values Log.d TAG LoginONComplete token facebook.getAccessToken token_expires facebook.getAccessExpires Log.d TAG AccessToken.. token_expires facebook.getAccessExpires Log.d TAG AccessToken token Log.d TAG AccessExpires token_expires savePrefs3 EXPIRES..
Android Twitter xAuth example using twitter4j twitter new TwitterFactory .getInstance login password AccessToken accessToken twitter.getOAuthAccessToken Then you must save your.. login password AccessToken accessToken twitter.getOAuthAccessToken Then you must save your Token and Token secret from AccesToken.. must save your Token and Token secret from AccesToken if mAccessToken null if mAccessToken.getToken null mAccessToken.getTokenSecret..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android catch block e.printStackTrace try provider.retrieveAccessToken consumer 4947222 catch OAuthMessageSignerException e TODO Auto.. token and token_secret in consumer provider.retrieveAccessToken consumer verifier TODO you might want to store token and token_secret.. want to store token and token_secret in you app settings AccessToken a new AccessToken consumer.getToken consumer.getTokenSecret..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? know about sessionKey sessionSecret how to get those values and how to solve this problem. If i use xmpp.login apiKey accessToken Application i am getting this error IllegalArgumentException API key or session key is not present EDIT Finally i got solution.. API key or session key is not present EDIT Finally i got solution from Amal solution xmpp.login apiKey accessToken Application android facebook xmpp share improve this question to get access token first you have to login fb.authorize.. return false public void disConnect connection.disconnect public boolean logIn String apiKey String accessToken try connection.login apiKey accessToken setPresenceState Presence.Type.available connection.getRoster .addRosterListener..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API line null line reader.readLine buffer.append line JSONObject json new JSONObject buffer.toString String accessToken json.getString access_token return accessToken catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return null Now we can access to the.. line JSONObject json new JSONObject buffer.toString String accessToken json.getString access_token return accessToken catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return null Now we can access to the Android API. I'm interesting in the expiration.. JSON_FACTORY new private static Long getSubscriptionExpire String accessToken String refreshToken String subscriptionId String purchaseToken try TokenResponse tokenResponse new TokenResponse tokenResponse.setAccessToken..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) at null try Pair up our request with the response at mTwitter.getOAuthAccessToken mRequestToken oauthVerifier accessToken at.getToken System.out.println access token accessToken accessTokenSecret at.getTokenSecret getFollowers Intent twitterFriendIntent.. at mTwitter.getOAuthAccessToken mRequestToken oauthVerifier accessToken at.getToken System.out.println access token accessToken accessTokenSecret at.getTokenSecret getFollowers Intent twitterFriendIntent new Intent MMSExampleActivity.this TwitterFriends.class.. mRequestToken oauthVerifier accessToken at.getToken System.out.println access token accessToken accessTokenSecret at.getTokenSecret getFollowers Intent twitterFriendIntent new Intent MMSExampleActivity.this TwitterFriends.class..
Android post picture to Facebook wall @Override public void onCancel TODO Auto generated method stub And the helper method private void postToWall String accessToken Bundle params new Bundle params.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken The byte array is the data of a picture. params.putByteArray.. the helper method private void postToWall String accessToken Bundle params new Bundle params.putString Facebook.TOKEN accessToken The byte array is the data of a picture. params.putByteArray picture getIntent .getExtras .getByteArray data try facebook.request..
Posting LinkedIn message from Android application Void... params final SharedPreferences pref getSharedPreferences OAUTH_PREF MODE_PRIVATE final LinkedInAccessToken accessToken oAuthService .getOAuthAccessToken new LinkedInRequestToken uri.getQueryParameter OAUTH_QUERY_TOKEN pref.getString.. PREF_REQTOKENSECRET null uri.getQueryParameter OAUTH_QUERY_VERIFIER pref.edit .putString PREF_TOKEN accessToken.getToken .putString PREF_TOKENSECRET accessToken.getTokenSecret .remove PREF_REQTOKENSECRET .commit return accessToken.. OAUTH_QUERY_VERIFIER pref.edit .putString PREF_TOKEN accessToken.getToken .putString PREF_TOKENSECRET accessToken.getTokenSecret .remove PREF_REQTOKENSECRET .commit return accessToken @Override protected void onPostExecute LinkedInAccessToken..
twitter4j => AndroidRuntime(446): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: twitter4j.http.AccessToken AndroidRuntime 446 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError twitter4j.http.AccessToken I am trying to use twitter4j for my app to connect and post to twitter. I am following this tutorial . I have downloaded.. also. but after running it i got following error messages E dalvikvm 374 Could not find class 'twitter4j.http.AccessToken' referenced from method W dalvikvm 374 VFY unable to resolve.. W dalvikvm 374 VFY unable to resolve new instance 67 Ltwitter4j http AccessToken in Lcom ecs android sample twitter TwitterUtils D dalvikvm 374 VFY replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x0010 D dalvikvm 374 VFY dead..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) Intent data method if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK String oauthVerifier String data.getExtras .get oauth_verifier AccessToken at null try Pair up our request with the response at mTwitter.getOAuthAccessToken mRequestToken oauthVerifier accessToken.. .get oauth_verifier AccessToken at null try Pair up our request with the response at mTwitter.getOAuthAccessToken mRequestToken oauthVerifier accessToken at.getToken System.out.println access token accessToken accessTokenSecret at.getTokenSecret.. TwitterConstants.CONSUMER_KEY builder.setOAuthConsumerSecret TwitterConstants.CONSUMER_SECRET builder.setOAuthAccessToken accessToken builder.setOAuthAccessTokenSecret accessTokenSecret Configuration conf twitter new TwitterFactory..
remote_app_id does not match stored id - exception in DDMS 02 22 15 16 22.939 E exception 4583 is null 02 22 15 16 22.939 E session 4583 is Session state OPENING token AccessToken token ACCESS_TOKEN_REMOVED permissions appId 420081348034777 02 22 15 16 22.939 E state 4583 is OPENING 02 22 15 16 51.749.. remote_app_id does not match stored id 02 22 15 16 51.749 E session 4583 is Session state CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED token AccessToken token ACCESS_TOKEN_REMOVED permissions appId 420081348034777 02 22 15 16 51.749 E state 4583 is CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED 02 22..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly sp.getString TOKEN x expires sp.getLong EXPIRES 1 Log.d TAG access_token if access_token null expires 1 facebook.setAccessToken access_token facebook.setAccessExpires expires return facebook.isSessionValid private class LoginDialogListener implements.. implements DialogListener @Override public void onComplete Bundle values Log.d TAG LoginONComplete token facebook.getAccessToken token_expires facebook.getAccessExpires Log.d TAG AccessToken token Log.d TAG AccessExpires token_expires savePrefs3 EXPIRES.. values Log.d TAG LoginONComplete token facebook.getAccessToken token_expires facebook.getAccessExpires Log.d TAG AccessToken token Log.d TAG AccessExpires token_expires savePrefs3 EXPIRES token_expires savePrefs TOKEN token mAsyncRunner.request..
Android Twitter xAuth example using twitter4j twitter4j.oauth.consumerSecret your token secret Twitter twitter new TwitterFactory .getInstance login password AccessToken accessToken twitter.getOAuthAccessToken Then you must save your Token and Token secret from AccesToken if mAccessToken null.. token secret Twitter twitter new TwitterFactory .getInstance login password AccessToken accessToken twitter.getOAuthAccessToken Then you must save your Token and Token secret from AccesToken if mAccessToken null if mAccessToken.getToken null mAccessToken.getTokenSecret.. AccessToken accessToken twitter.getOAuthAccessToken Then you must save your Token and Token secret from AccesToken if mAccessToken null if mAccessToken.getToken null mAccessToken.getTokenSecret null saveAccessToken mAccessToken.getToken mAccessToken.getTokenSecret..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android null try pin br.readLine catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace try provider.retrieveAccessToken consumer 4947222 catch OAuthMessageSignerException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch OAuthNotAuthorizedException.. oauth.signpost.OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER try this will populate token and token_secret in consumer provider.retrieveAccessToken consumer verifier TODO you might want to store token and token_secret in you app settings AccessToken a new AccessToken.. consumer verifier TODO you might want to store token and token_secret in you app settings AccessToken a new AccessToken consumer.getToken consumer.getTokenSecret initialize Twitter4J twitter new TwitterFactory .getInstance..