android Programming Glossary: accel
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate] distance using Linear acceleration android duplicate Possible Duplicate Android accelerometer.. acceleration android duplicate Possible Duplicate Android accelerometer accuracy Inertial navigation I am using the following.. tnew and anew are arraylists containing timestamps and accelerations respectively. double distance 0 double init_vel 0 long..
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation 3 magnetic field vector private float magnet new float 3 accelerometer vector private float accel new float 3 orientation angles.. magnet new float 3 accelerometer vector private float accel new float 3 orientation angles from accel and magnet private.. private float accel new float 3 orientation angles from accel and magnet private float accMagOrientation new float 3 final..
Filtering accelerometer data noise accelerometer data noise How do I filter noise of the accelerometer.. accelerometer data noise How do I filter noise of the accelerometer data in Android I would like to create a high pass filter.. time Any idea will be much appreciated. Thank you android accelerometer share improve this question The samples from Apple's..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock a service and records onSensorChanged SensorEvent event accelerometer sensor readings on Android. I would like to be able.. when the application is in the background etc. android accelerometer power management android 2.0 share improve this question.. Context.SENSOR_SERVICE Get the default sensor for accel mSensor mSensorEventManager.getDefaultSensor Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates.. but I have not choice but ask it How do you translate the accelerometer data from the device coordinates to real world coordinates.. to real world coordinates I mean assuming that the accelerometer is giving me somenting like Ax Ay Az in device's coordinates..
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate] distance using Linear acceleration android duplicate Possible Duplicate Android accelerometer accuracy Inertial navigation I am using the following.. distance using Linear acceleration android duplicate Possible Duplicate Android accelerometer accuracy Inertial navigation I am using the following code to calculate the distance. tnew and anew are arraylists.. I am using the following code to calculate the distance. tnew and anew are arraylists containing timestamps and accelerations respectively. double distance 0 double init_vel 0 long time_prev while anew.hasNext float temp_acc
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation from gyro matrix private float gyroOrientation new float 3 magnetic field vector private float magnet new float 3 accelerometer vector private float accel new float 3 orientation angles from accel and magnet private float accMagOrientation.. gyroOrientation new float 3 magnetic field vector private float magnet new float 3 accelerometer vector private float accel new float 3 orientation angles from accel and magnet private float accMagOrientation new float 3 final orientation angles.. vector private float magnet new float 3 accelerometer vector private float accel new float 3 orientation angles from accel and magnet private float accMagOrientation new float 3 final orientation angles from sensor fusion private float fusedOrientation..
Filtering accelerometer data noise accelerometer data noise How do I filter noise of the accelerometer data in Android I would like to create a high pass filter.. accelerometer data noise How do I filter noise of the accelerometer data in Android I would like to create a high pass filter for my sample data so that I could eliminate low frequency.. NDK Is there by any chance that this can be done in real time Any idea will be much appreciated. Thank you android accelerometer share improve this question The samples from Apple's SDK actually implement the filtering in an even simpler..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock Nexus One even with a WakeLock I have some code that extends a service and records onSensorChanged SensorEvent event accelerometer sensor readings on Android. I would like to be able to record these sensor readings even when the device is off.. 1.5 on a G1. The logging continues when the screen turns off when the application is in the background etc. android accelerometer power management android 2.0 share improve this question We've deduced this started as of 2.0.1. It seems to.. manager. mSensorEventManager SensorManager mContext.getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE Get the default sensor for accel mSensor mSensorEventManager.getDefaultSensor Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER Register for events. mSensorEventManager.registerListener..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates I'm really sorry if this is a very basic question but.. I'm really sorry if this is a very basic question but I have not choice but ask it How do you translate the accelerometer data from the device coordinates to real world coordinates I mean assuming that the accelerometer is giving me somenting.. do you translate the accelerometer data from the device coordinates to real world coordinates I mean assuming that the accelerometer is giving me somenting like Ax Ay Az in device's coordinates what transformations should I apply to transform the..