android Programming Glossary: accessory
USB device access pop-up supression? are 0x6666. What I have given above also works for a USB accessory that is where the accessory is the USB host and the android.. above also works for a USB accessory that is where the accessory is the USB host and the android is the device in that case the.. http guide topics connectivity usb accessory.html and search for the section Using an intent filter . EDIT..
Android BluetoothSocket - Timing out written a Bluetooth API for connecting with an external accessory. The way that the API is designed is that there are a bunch..
How can I get the ADK DemoKit example working on a Google I/O Galaxy Tab 10.1? import android.hardware.usb. 128c127 UsbAccessory accessory UsbManager.getAccessory intent UsbAccessory accessory UsbAccessory.. accessory UsbManager.getAccessory intent UsbAccessory accessory UsbAccessory intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_ACCESSORY.. UsbManager.EXTRA_ACCESSORY 139c138 UsbAccessory accessory UsbManager.getAccessory intent UsbAccessory accessory UsbAccessory..
Which android devices support the ADK / open accessory android devices support the ADK open accessory Is there a list anywhere of which Android devices phones tablets.. of which Android devices phones tablets support the ADK accessory mode From what I have read I known that the Nexus One Nexus..
USB device access pop-up supression? here have to be given in decimal above both the VID and PID are 0x6666. What I have given above also works for a USB accessory that is where the accessory is the USB host and the android is the device in that case the intent filter should register.. above both the VID and PID are 0x6666. What I have given above also works for a USB accessory that is where the accessory is the USB host and the android is the device in that case the intent filter should register action android name android.hardware.usb.action.USB_ACCESSORY_ATTACHED.. to include the meta data filter in exactly the same way. See http guide topics connectivity usb accessory.html and search for the section Using an intent filter . EDIT To conclude if you register the intent filter against your..
Android BluetoothSocket - Timing out BluetoothSocket Timing out I have written a Bluetooth API for connecting with an external accessory. The way that the API is designed is that there are a bunch of blocking calls such as getTime setTime getVolume setVolume..
How can I get the ADK DemoKit example working on a Google I/O Galaxy Tab 10.1? import import android.hardware.usb. 128c127 UsbAccessory accessory UsbManager.getAccessory intent UsbAccessory accessory UsbAccessory intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_ACCESSORY.. import android.hardware.usb. 128c127 UsbAccessory accessory UsbManager.getAccessory intent UsbAccessory accessory UsbAccessory intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_ACCESSORY 139c138 UsbAccessory accessory UsbManager.getAccessory.. intent UsbAccessory accessory UsbAccessory intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_ACCESSORY 139c138 UsbAccessory accessory UsbManager.getAccessory intent UsbAccessory accessory UsbAccessory intent.getParcelableExtra UsbManager.EXTRA_ACCESSORY..
Which android devices support the ADK / open accessory android devices support the ADK open accessory Is there a list anywhere of which Android devices phones tablets support the ADK accessory mode From what I have read I.. support the ADK open accessory Is there a list anywhere of which Android devices phones tablets support the ADK accessory mode From what I have read I known that the Nexus One Nexus S and Xoom do support it. Are there any other devices custom..