android Programming Glossary: access
How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts to check internet access on Android InetAddress never timeouts I got a AsyncTask that.. I got a AsyncTask that is supposed to check the network access to a host name. But the doInBackground is never timed out. Anyone..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address Cream Sandwich you can get the user's email addresses by accessing their profile. Accessing the user profile is a bit heavyweight..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? a time. The SqliteDatabase object uses java locks to keep access serialized. So if 100 threads have one db instance calls to.. use one helper instance shared between them all of your db access code is serial. And life is good ish . If you try to write to..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? easier to switch to using WiFi if you already have USB access. From a command line on the computer that has the device connected.. WiFi ADB and ADB WiFi . All of these require root access but adbWireless requires fewer permissions. share improve this..
How to programatically take a screenshot on Android? catch block e.printStackTrace Then when you need to access use something like this Uri uri Uri.fromFile new File mPath..
Is there a unique Android device ID? devices have a unique id and if so what is a simple way to access it via java android uniqueidentifier share improve this question..
Make an HTTP request with android this question First of all request a permission to access network add following to your manifest uses permission android..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? another problem and since singletons imply global random access to shared state subtle bugs may arise when not properly synchronized.. managed and has a well defined life cycle scope and access path. Hence I believe that if you do need to manage app global..
Synchronise ScrollView scroll positions - android Unfortunately Google never thought that we would need to access it which is why they made it protected and didn't add a setOnScrollChangedListener..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero this First I get a final reference to my TextView to access in the onGlobalLayout method . Next I get the ViewTreeObserver..
Android - detect whether there is an Internet connection available [duplicate] duplicate Possible Duplicate How to check internet access on Android InetAddress never timeouts I need to detect whether..
How to ship an Android application with a database? don't know where the database should go and how to access it. 2 It may take a really long time to create and populate..
Android: How to declare global variables? and make it available for your entire application. You can access it from any context using the Context.getApplicationContext..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] of creating a new database how can the application gain access to this database and use it as its database java android eclipse..
AsyncTask Android example share improve this question Ok you are trying to access the GUI via another thread. This in the main is not good practice... inside of another thread which does not have access to the GUI where your views are. preExecute and postExecute.. where your views are. preExecute and postExecute offer you access to GUI before and after the heavy lifting occurs in this new..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask .getStatusCode 401 You must turn off camera User Access Control before this will work return null return new MjpegInputStream..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API here GOOGLE_CLIENT_MAIL is the email address from API Access from the Google Console. GOOGLE_KEY_FILE_PATH is the p12 file.. is the p12 file downloaded from the API Access. GOOGLE_PRODUCT_NAME is the product name from the branding information... Developer API on. Accept the Terms of Service. Go to API Access in the left hand navigation panel. Select Create an OAuth 2.0..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK 20 hours of my time alone. Still on the console go to API Access. Create a client make it an Android app. Give it your bundle..
Google Maps API V2 'Failed to Load Map. Could not contact Google Servers' have completed all of the following steps. App Key For API Access When Google asks for the SHA1 fingerprint of your app certificate.. v2 is DIFFERENT then Google Maps Android API v2 In the API Access tab click Create new Android Key Add your certificate signatures.. You will be provided with a generated API Access Key. You may need to first create an API Project in the API..
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue with your API_KEY which is obtained from Google API Access so verify your API_KEY certificate fingerprints and package..
OAuth secrets in mobile apps solution I can come up with is to first obtain the Access Token as normal preferably using a web view inside the app and.. believe the secret is involved in initially requesting the Access Token so that could be done without involving our own server...
Android: Access child views from a ListView Access child views from a ListView I need to find out the pixel position..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? 1 stop adbd start adbd From a Computer if You Have USB Access Already It is even easier to switch to using WiFi if you already..
Proxy which requires authentication with Android Emulator Emulator. Go to Settings Wireless Networks Mobile Networks Access Point Names Telkila Over there set the proxy host name in the..
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? e Log.error No such method name e catch IllegalAccessException e Log.error Illegal Access name e catch InvocationTargetException.. name e catch IllegalAccessException e Log.error Illegal Access name e catch InvocationTargetException e Log.error Invocation..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? Card it worked just fine. So in overview Request SD Card Access in your manifest uses permission android name android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE..
Access pictures from Pictures app in my android app pictures from Pictures app in my android app Just like the..
Android: simple export and import of sqlite database new FileInputStream newDb new FileOutputStream oldDb Access the copied database so SQLiteHelper will cache it and mark it..
Problem to load flv video in webview align 'middle' width '640' height '480' allowScriptAccess ' ' allowFullScreen 'true' type 'application x shockwave flash'.. true webView.getSettings .setAllowFileAccess true webView.getSettings .setPluginsEnabled true htmlCode htmlCode.replaceAll.. e Lo.g No such method name e catch IllegalAccessException e Lo.g Illegal Access name e catch InvocationTargetException..
How users/developers can set the Android's proxy configuration for versions 2.x? for the user or for the developers to set the Wi Fi Access Point proxy settings in Android versions 2.x I know that it's..
Twitter update_with_media Via Scribe OAuth On Android 1 statuses update_with_media.json oAuth.signRequest USER_ACCESS_TOKEN request ENTER USER'S ACCESS TOKEN ADD MULTIPART FORM try.. oAuth.signRequest USER_ACCESS_TOKEN request ENTER USER'S ACCESS TOKEN ADD MULTIPART FORM try MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity..
Am I getting the steps right for verifying a user's Android in-app subscription? RECEIVES UPON PURCHASING THE SUBSCRIPTION accesstoken THE ACCESS TOKEN FROM STEP 4 . For an example look here . share improve..
Google Drive SDK Exception a new one enable Drive API enable Drive SDK go to API ACCESS create CLIENT ID IMPORTANT here choose Installed application..
While Make sign APK of Google map (Failed to load map Could not contact Google servers) this error accured uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.. uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE.. uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE application android allowBackup true android icon..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android IT IS NOT NULL Log.d TEST AT fbAccessToken I GOT SOME ACCESS TOKEN MultipartEntity mpEntity new MultipartEntity ContentBody..
How to prevent an application from being uninstalled?
How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts to check internet access on Android InetAddress never timeouts I got a AsyncTask that is supposed to check the network access to a host name. But.. check internet access on Android InetAddress never timeouts I got a AsyncTask that is supposed to check the network access to a host name. But the doInBackground is never timed out. Anyone have a clue public class HostAvailabilityTask extends..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address ContactsContract.Profile API level 14 As of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich you can get the user's email addresses by accessing their profile. Accessing the user profile is a bit heavyweight as it requires two permissions more on that below but..
What are the best practices for SQLite on Android? Even if you use it from multiple threads one connection at a time. The SqliteDatabase object uses java locks to keep access serialized. So if 100 threads have one db instance calls to the actual on disk database are serialized. So one helper one.. is serialized in java code. One thread 1000 threads if you use one helper instance shared between them all of your db access code is serial. And life is good ish . If you try to write to the database from actual distinct connections at the same..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? adbd From a Computer if You Have USB Access Already It is even easier to switch to using WiFi if you already have USB access. From a command line on the computer that has the device connected via USB issue the commands adb tcpip 5555 adb connect..
How to programatically take a screenshot on Android?
Is there a unique Android device ID? there a unique Android device ID Do Android devices have a unique id and if so what is a simple way to access it via java android uniqueidentifier share improve this question Settings.Secure#ANDROID_ID returns the Android ID as..
Make an HTTP request with android in an BroadcastReceiver android httpwebrequest share improve this question First of all request a permission to access network add following to your manifest uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET Then the easiest way is..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? from one scope to another . Visibility has been mentioned as another problem and since singletons imply global random access to shared state subtle bugs may arise when not properly synchronized in concurrent applications. I consider it an anti pattern.. app context can be considered a singleton itself it is framework managed and has a well defined life cycle scope and access path. Hence I believe that if you do need to manage app global state it should go here nowhere else. For anything else rethink..
Synchronise ScrollView scroll positions - android protected void onScrollChanged int x int y int oldx int oldy Unfortunately Google never thought that we would need to access it which is why they made it protected and didn't add a setOnScrollChangedListener hook. So we will have to do that for..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero this else obs.removeGlobalOnLayoutListener this First I get a final reference to my TextView to access in the onGlobalLayout method . Next I get the ViewTreeObserver from my TextView and add an OnGlobalLayoutListener overriding..
Android - detect whether there is an Internet connection available [duplicate] detect whether there is an Internet connection available duplicate Possible Duplicate How to check internet access on Android InetAddress never timeouts I need to detect whether the Android device is connected to the Internet. Now the..
How to ship an Android application with a database? sqlite version mismatches might cause problems and I currently don't know where the database should go and how to access it. 2 It may take a really long time to create and populate the database on the device. Your thoughts Pointers to documentation..
Android: How to declare global variables? Android will automatically create an instance of that class and make it available for your entire application. You can access it from any context using the Context.getApplicationContext method Activity also provides a method getApplication which..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] I want to bundle this database with my application. Instead of creating a new database how can the application gain access to this database and use it as its database java android eclipse sqlite share improve this question EDIT You can find..
AsyncTask Android example LinearLayout Thanks for the help. android android asynctask share improve this question Ok you are trying to access the GUI via another thread. This in the main is not good practice. The AsyncTask executes everything in doInBackground inside.. is not good practice. The AsyncTask executes everything in doInBackground inside of another thread which does not have access to the GUI where your views are. preExecute and postExecute offer you access to GUI before and after the heavy lifting occurs.. of another thread which does not have access to the GUI where your views are. preExecute and postExecute offer you access to GUI before and after the heavy lifting occurs in this new thread you can even pass the result of the long operation to..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask status res.getStatusLine .getStatusCode if res.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 401 You must turn off camera User Access Control before this will work return null return new MjpegInputStream res.getEntity .getContent catch ClientProtocolException..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API SubscriptionPurchase subscripcion get.execute Exception returned here GOOGLE_CLIENT_MAIL is the email address from API Access from the Google Console. GOOGLE_KEY_FILE_PATH is the p12 file downloaded from the API Access. GOOGLE_PRODUCT_NAME is the.. email address from API Access from the Google Console. GOOGLE_KEY_FILE_PATH is the p12 file downloaded from the API Access. GOOGLE_PRODUCT_NAME is the product name from the branding information. In Google APIS Console the Service Google Play Android.. the left hand navigation panel. Turn the Google Play Android Developer API on. Accept the Terms of Service. Go to API Access in the left hand navigation panel. Select Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID On the first page you will need to fill in the product..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK and YOU MUST TURN BOTH ON Figuring this out wasted at least 20 hours of my time alone. Still on the console go to API Access. Create a client make it an Android app. Give it your bundle ID. I don't think the fingerprints thing is actually important..
Google Maps API V2 'Failed to Load Map. Could not contact Google Servers' setting up Google Maps API v2 on Android make sure that you have completed all of the following steps. App Key For API Access When Google asks for the SHA1 fingerprint of your app certificate you will want most likely want to run this twice once.. page find Google Maps Android API v2 . Note Google Maps API v2 is DIFFERENT then Google Maps Android API v2 In the API Access tab click Create new Android Key Add your certificate signatures for access to the APIs. yourrelease fingerprint com.example.project.package.. yourdebug fingerprint com.example.project.package You will be provided with a generated API Access Key. You may need to first create an API Project in the API Console Amend the App Manifest Add your API Key inside of the..
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue share improve this question it sounds like you have problem with your API_KEY which is obtained from Google API Access so verify your API_KEY certificate fingerprints and package name also use this inside manifest uses feature android glEsVersion..
OAuth secrets in mobile apps the app. I don't believe using https is any help. The only workable solution I can come up with is to first obtain the Access Token as normal preferably using a web view inside the app and then route all further communication through our server where.. into a string right in your app . Another thing I don't believe the secret is involved in initially requesting the Access Token so that could be done without involving our own server. Am I correct iphone android security mobile oauth share..
Android: Access child views from a ListView Access child views from a ListView I need to find out the pixel position of one element in a list that's been displayed using..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? ADB to listening on USB with setprop service.adb.tcp.port 1 stop adbd start adbd From a Computer if You Have USB Access Already It is even easier to switch to using WiFi if you already have USB access. From a command line on the computer that..
Proxy which requires authentication with Android Emulator this question I Managed to do it in the Adndroid 2.2 Emulator. Go to Settings Wireless Networks Mobile Networks Access Point Names Telkila Over there set the proxy host name in the property Proxy and the Proxy port in the property Port share..
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? name method.invoke mWebView catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.error No such method name e catch IllegalAccessException e Log.error Illegal Access name e catch InvocationTargetException e Log.error Invocation Target Exception name.. catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.error No such method name e catch IllegalAccessException e Log.error Illegal Access name e catch InvocationTargetException e Log.error Invocation Target Exception name e android android webview android..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? and wrote my generated images to a public location on the SD Card it worked just fine. So in overview Request SD Card Access in your manifest uses permission android name android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Make sure SD Card is available if..
Access pictures from Pictures app in my android app pictures from Pictures app in my android app Just like the iPhone has a UIImagePickerController to let the user access..
Android: simple export and import of sqlite database oldDb new File DB_FILEPATH if newDb.exists FileUtils.copyFile new FileInputStream newDb new FileOutputStream oldDb Access the copied database so SQLiteHelper will cache it and mark it as created. getWritableDatabase .close return true return..
Problem to load flv video in webview 'true' quality 'high' bgcolor '#000000' name 'VideoPlayer' align 'middle' width '640' height '480' allowScriptAccess ' ' allowFullScreen 'true' type 'application x shockwave flash' pluginspage 'http go getflashplayer'.. WebView findViewById webView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true webView.getSettings .setAllowFileAccess true webView.getSettings .setPluginsEnabled true htmlCode htmlCode.replaceAll @VIDEO@ file android_asset expression_sad.flv.. name method.invoke webView catch NoSuchMethodException e Lo.g No such method name e catch IllegalAccessException e Lo.g Illegal Access name e catch InvocationTargetException e Lo.g Invocation Target Exception name e I got..
How users/developers can set the Android's proxy configuration for versions 2.x? for versions 2.x I would like to know if it's possible for the user or for the developers to set the Wi Fi Access Point proxy settings in Android versions 2.x I know that it's possible for 3.x or greater versions editing the AP configuration..
Twitter update_with_media Via Scribe OAuth On Android request new OAuthRequest Verb.POST https 1 statuses update_with_media.json oAuth.signRequest USER_ACCESS_TOKEN request ENTER USER'S ACCESS TOKEN ADD MULTIPART FORM try MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity entity.addPart.. https 1 statuses update_with_media.json oAuth.signRequest USER_ACCESS_TOKEN request ENTER USER'S ACCESS TOKEN ADD MULTIPART FORM try MultipartEntity entity new MultipartEntity entity.addPart status new StringBody message THIS..
Am I getting the steps right for verifying a user's Android in-app subscription?
Google Drive SDK Exception if you start from fresh delete the current project and start a new one enable Drive API enable Drive SDK go to API ACCESS create CLIENT ID IMPORTANT here choose Installed application Android ALSO IMPORTANT key in your generated SHA1 key key in..
While Make sign APK of Google map (Failed to load map Could not contact Google servers) this error accured name uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE.. uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE application android allowBackup true.. uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE application android allowBackup true android icon @drawable icon_72 android label @string app_name android..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android file new File sdpicturePath DEBUG Log.d TSET FILE file.exists IT IS NOT NULL Log.d TEST AT fbAccessToken I GOT SOME ACCESS TOKEN MultipartEntity mpEntity new MultipartEntity ContentBody cbFile new FileBody file image png ContentBody cbMessage..
How to prevent an application from being uninstalled?