android Programming Glossary: acceptedfileextensions
Android - Adding and showing items to ListView one at a time using an ArrayAdapter
Android: SQLite one-to-many design
Browse Button required? File mFiles protected FilePickerListAdapter mAdapter protected boolean mShowHiddenFiles false protected String acceptedFileExtensions @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Set the view to be shown if.. FilePickerListAdapter this mFiles setListAdapter mAdapter Initialize the extensions array to allow any file extensions acceptedFileExtensions new String Get intent extras if getIntent .hasExtra EXTRA_FILE_PATH mDirectory new File getIntent .getStringExtra EXTRA_FILE_PATH.. ArrayList String collection getIntent .getStringArrayListExtra EXTRA_ACCEPTED_FILE_EXTENSIONS acceptedFileExtensions String collection.toArray new String collection.size @Override protected void onResume refreshFilesList super.onResume..