android Programming Glossary: accelerometer
Android: I want to shake it to how I go about creating this shake controller android accelerometer shake share improve this question Here is an example code...
Strange behavior with android orientation sensor in this problem for a month. android rotation orientation accelerometer sensor share improve this question This is a common problem..
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development in the application development industry. I know the accelerometer can be used to return the current acceleration along three axis.. per second squared m s2 . But I have come to know that an accelerometer can also be use as speedometer. I want to know how I can use.. also be use as speedometer. I want to know how I can use accelerometer to determine distance traveled by Android device between points..
Store orientation to an array - and compare put don't and another reason not to . Can you use the accelerometer data instead An accelerometer is a direct measurement of orientation.. not to . Can you use the accelerometer data instead An accelerometer is a direct measurement of orientation from the DCM manuscript..
Indoor Positioning System based on Gyroscope and Accelerometer reference point a known GPS position using the 2 sensors accelerometer for motion and Gyro for directions track the phone when moving... with me about indoor positioning system using Gyro and accelerometer Thank you for your help android location position accelerometer.. Thank you for your help android location position accelerometer gyroscope share improve this question Gyros and accelerometers..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) accelerometer accuracy Inertial navigation I was looking into implementing.. for an Android phone which I realise is hard given the accelerometer accuracy and constant fluctuation of readings. To start with.. with I set the phone on a flat surface and sampled 1000 accelerometer readings in the X and Y directions parallel to the table so..
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? that supports NFC Wifi d networking d sensors Compass Accelerometer GPS ProximitySensor LightSensor Gyroscope d sensors d mic true..
Acclerometer Sensor in Separate Thread Sensor in Separate Thread I am saving data from Accelerometer Sensor to Database but i want to do it in a separate thread... it with register listener. Another approach I implemented Accelerometer class using Runnable interface initialized everything in Constructor.. is blank but this approach doesn't create a new Thread. Accelerometer Context con Database d sm SensorManager con.getSystemService..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid Nexus..
Android phone orientation overview including compass Android handles these aspects is by analysing this Android Accelerometer and Orientation Example . It helped me a lot to understand Android's..
How do I use the Android Accelerometer? do I use the Android Accelerometer I'm trying to build an app for reading the values from the.. Sensors. There are a bunch of tutorials AndroGames Android Accelerometer Tutorial AndDev Accessing the Accelerometer And there's even.. Android Accelerometer Tutorial AndDev Accessing the Accelerometer And there's even a demo project from Android Developers . share..
how to count step using accelerometer in android import android.widget.Toast public class Accelerometer extends Activity implements AccelerometerListener private static.. public class Accelerometer extends Activity implements AccelerometerListener private static Context CONTEXT Called when the activity.. CONTEXT this protected void onResume super.onResume if AccelerometerManager.isSupported AccelerometerManager.startListening this..
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development I am..
Moving an image using Accelerometer of android an image using Accelerometer of android I have read articles tutorial about accessing the.. import android.widget.TextView public class Accelerometer extends Activity implements SensorEventListener Called when.. android.os.Bundle import android.view.View public class Accelerometer extends Activity implements SensorEventListener Called when..
Indoor Positioning System based on Gyroscope and Accelerometer Positioning System based on Gyroscope and Accelerometer I am developing an Android App to track indoor position. My.. is an Google Nexus S using two sensors the first being an Accelerometer and the second being a Gyroscope. My idea is that from a starting.. Enhancing the Performance of Pedometers Using a Single Accelerometer I have no idea how these methods would perform in real life..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) Enhancing the Performance of Pedometers Using a Single Accelerometer I have no idea how these methods would perform in real life..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? made simply application that does little test public class Accelerometer implements SensorEventListener ... public void onSensorChanged..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off http p android issues detail id 3708 Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid Nexus.. this boolean run true while run try wait 1000 getLock AccelerometerService.this .acquire sensorManager SensorManager getSystemService.. SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL Log.d Accelerometer service tick catch Exception e run false Log.d Accelerometer..
Android: I want to shake it suggest SensorEventListener. Anybody that has a nice guide to how I go about creating this shake controller android accelerometer shake share improve this question Here is an example code. Put this into your activity class put this into your activity..
Strange behavior with android orientation sensor unreasonable to me. Could somebody help me I'm stuck in this problem for a month. android rotation orientation accelerometer sensor share improve this question This is a common problem with yaw pitch and roll. You cannot get rid of it as long..
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development distance for Android Application Development I am just a beginner in the application development industry. I know the accelerometer can be used to return the current acceleration along three axis in meters per second squared m s2 . But I have come to know.. return the current acceleration along three axis in meters per second squared m s2 . But I have come to know that an accelerometer can also be use as speedometer. I want to know how I can use accelerometer to determine distance traveled by Android device.. m s2 . But I have come to know that an accelerometer can also be use as speedometer. I want to know how I can use accelerometer to determine distance traveled by Android device between points of interest. If it is possible then how can I implement..
Store orientation to an array - and compare too. I just noticed you are using yaw pitch and roll. Simply put don't and another reason not to . Can you use the accelerometer data instead An accelerometer is a direct measurement of orientation from the DCM manuscript and that is what you need... using yaw pitch and roll. Simply put don't and another reason not to . Can you use the accelerometer data instead An accelerometer is a direct measurement of orientation from the DCM manuscript and that is what you need. And as for tc's question does..
Indoor Positioning System based on Gyroscope and Accelerometer the second being a Gyroscope. My idea is that from a starting reference point a known GPS position using the 2 sensors accelerometer for motion and Gyro for directions track the phone when moving. And display on a map when the user is going. But the problem.. cpu killer Does someone has some experience that he can share with me about indoor positioning system using Gyro and accelerometer Thank you for your help android location position accelerometer gyroscope share improve this question Gyros and accelerometers.. me about indoor positioning system using Gyro and accelerometer Thank you for your help android location position accelerometer gyroscope share improve this question Gyros and accelerometers are not enough. You get position by integrating the linear..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) accelerometer accuracy Inertial navigation I was looking into implementing an Inertial Navigation System for an Android phone which I.. I was looking into implementing an Inertial Navigation System for an Android phone which I realise is hard given the accelerometer accuracy and constant fluctuation of readings. To start with I set the phone on a flat surface and sampled 1000 accelerometer.. accuracy and constant fluctuation of readings. To start with I set the phone on a flat surface and sampled 1000 accelerometer readings in the X and Y directions parallel to the table so no gravity acting in these directions . I then averaged these..
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? Bluetooth NFC put this back in if you have an S2 model that supports NFC Wifi d networking d sensors Compass Accelerometer GPS ProximitySensor LightSensor Gyroscope d sensors d mic true d mic d camera d location back d location d autofocus true..
Acclerometer Sensor in Separate Thread Sensor in Separate Thread I am saving data from Accelerometer Sensor to Database but i want to do it in a separate thread. I tried to search it on Internet but most of them uses the.. initialized it in a new Thread and then registering it with register listener. Another approach I implemented Accelerometer class using Runnable interface initialized everything in Constructor so my run method is blank but this approach doesn't.. initialized everything in Constructor so my run method is blank but this approach doesn't create a new Thread. Accelerometer Context con Database d sm SensorManager con.getSystemService Context.SENSOR_SERVICE s sm.getSensorList Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid Nexus One even with a WakeLock I have some code that extends a..
Android phone orientation overview including compass question The best way for you to understand better how Android handles these aspects is by analysing this Android Accelerometer and Orientation Example . It helped me a lot to understand Android's sensors and how to use them. share improve this answer..
How do I use the Android Accelerometer? do I use the Android Accelerometer I'm trying to build an app for reading the values from the accelerometer on my phone which supports Android 2.1 only. How.. You should try to read the Android Developer Guide on Sensors. There are a bunch of tutorials AndroGames Android Accelerometer Tutorial AndDev Accessing the Accelerometer And there's even a demo project from Android Developers . share improve this..
how to count step using accelerometer in android import android.os.Bundle import android.widget.TextView import android.widget.Toast public class Accelerometer extends Activity implements AccelerometerListener private static Context CONTEXT Called when the activity is first created... import android.widget.TextView import android.widget.Toast public class Accelerometer extends Activity implements AccelerometerListener private static Context CONTEXT Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main CONTEXT this protected void onResume super.onResume if AccelerometerManager.isSupported AccelerometerManager.startListening this protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy if AccelerometerManager.isListening..
How to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development to use Accelerometer to measure distance for Android Application Development I am just a beginner in the application development industry. I..
Moving an image using Accelerometer of android an image using Accelerometer of android I have read articles tutorial about accessing the phone's accelerometer acceleration and orientation values... import android.os.Bundle import android.view.View import android.widget.TextView public class Accelerometer extends Activity implements SensorEventListener Called when the activity is first created. CustomDrawableView mCustomDrawableView.. import android.hardware.SensorManager import android.os.Bundle import android.view.View public class Accelerometer extends Activity implements SensorEventListener Called when the activity is first created. CustomDrawableView mCustomDrawableView..
Indoor Positioning System based on Gyroscope and Accelerometer Positioning System based on Gyroscope and Accelerometer I am developing an Android App to track indoor position. My phone is an Google Nexus S using two sensors the first being.. developing an Android App to track indoor position. My phone is an Google Nexus S using two sensors the first being an Accelerometer and the second being a Gyroscope. My idea is that from a starting reference point a known GPS position using the 2 sensors.. Pedestrian Tracking with Shoe Mounted Inertial Sensors Enhancing the Performance of Pedometers Using a Single Accelerometer I have no idea how these methods would perform in real life applications or how to turn them into a nice Android app. A..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) Pedestrian Tracking with Shoe Mounted Inertial Sensors Enhancing the Performance of Pedometers Using a Single Accelerometer I have no idea how these methods would perform in real life applications or how to turn them into a nice Android app. A..
Android TYPE_LINEAR_ACCELERATION sensor - what does it show? linear acceleration of mobile device. BUT in real life.. I made simply application that does little test public class Accelerometer implements SensorEventListener ... public void onSensorChanged SensorEvent se if active return lastX se.values SensorManager.DATA_X..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off events when screen goes off some links regarding this problem http p android issues detail id 3708 Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid Nexus One even with a WakeLock . I have thoroughly searched for.. SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL synchronized this boolean run true while run try wait 1000 getLock AccelerometerService.this .acquire sensorManager SensorManager getSystemService SENSOR_SERVICE sensorManager.unregisterListener this.. this sensorManager.getDefaultSensor Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL Log.d Accelerometer service tick catch Exception e run false Log.d Accelerometer service interrupted cause e.getMessage @Override public..