

python Programming Glossary: stream.read

PyAudio Input overflowed


all for i in range 0 RATE chunk RECORD_SECONDS data stream.read chunk all.append data print done recording stream.close p.terminate.. most recent call last File gg.py line 23 in module data stream.read chunk File usr lib64 python2.7 site packages pyaudio.py line..

Starting two methods at the same time in Python


frames for i in range 0 int RATE CHUNK RECORD_SECONDS data stream.read CHUNK frames.append data print done recording stream.stop_stream..

Simultaneous record audio from mic and play it back with effect in python


frames for i in range 0 int RATE CHUNK RECORD_SECONDS data stream.read CHUNK frames.append data print Finished recording. stream.stop_stream..

urllib2 not retrieving entire HTTP response


format json' stream.headers 'content length' '168928' data stream.read len data 61058 # We can see here that I did not retrieve the..

record output sound in python


all for i in range 0 RATE chunk RECORD_SECONDS data stream.read chunk all.append data stream.close p.terminate data ''.join.. most recent call last File . test.py line 25 in data stream.read chunk File Library Python 2.5 site packages pyaudio.py line..

Detect and record a sound with python


the sound data breaks some level threshold while True data stream.read chunk # check level against threshold you'll have to write getLevel.. 1 rate 44100 input True frames_per_buffer chunk data stream.read chunk rms audioop.rms data 2 #width 2 for format paInt16 share..

Merge and sync stdout and stderr?


0 res select.select streams timeout for stream in res 0 stream.read drain while proc.returncode is None proc.poll _process _process..

How do I get the body of a http response from a string containing the entire response, in Python?


Still I do read the data from a stream like object data stream.read so a solution that can use a stream is also acceptable. 2nd..

Detect & Record Audio in Python


while 1 # little endian signed short snd_data array 'h' stream.read CHUNK_SIZE if byteorder 'big' snd_data.byteswap r.extend snd_data..

pip search django produces time out error


Python27 Lib xmlrpclib.py line 1462 in parse_response data stream.read 1024 File C Python27 Lib httplib.py line 541 in read return..