

python Programming Glossary: stream.close

PyAudio Input overflowed


stream.read chunk all.append data print done recording stream.close p.terminate After I getting the followin error recording Traceback..

Starting two methods at the same time in Python


start forHowLong 0.5 stream.write data stream.stop_stream stream.close p.terminate def listen_to_audio forHowLong CHUNK 1024 FORMAT.. frames.append data print done recording stream.stop_stream stream.close p.terminate wf wave.open WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME 'wb' wf.setnchannels..

Simultaneous record audio from mic and play it back with effect in python


data print Finished recording. stream.stop_stream stream.close p.terminate wf wave.open WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME 'wb' wf.setnchannels.. data data wf.readframes CHUNK stream.stop_stream stream.close p.terminate def reverseAudio frames fs encoder audiolab.wavread..

record output sound in python


RECORD_SECONDS data stream.read chunk all.append data stream.close p.terminate data ''.join all wf wave.open WAVE_OUTPUT_FILENAME..

Python frequency detection


Detect & Record Audio in Python


sample_width p.get_sample_size FORMAT stream.stop_stream stream.close p.terminate r normalize r r trim r r add_silence r 0.5 return..