

python Programming Glossary: strategies

What?™s the point of inheritance in Python?


and trees of exceptions but I guess that alternative strategies exist . you don ™t need to implement a base derived hierarchy..

Status of mixing multiprocessing and threading in Python


in the discussion to conclude what are the work arounds or strategies for using both multiprocessing and threading in the same application...

for line in open(filename)


and IronPython have other more relaxed garbage collection strategies . Nevertheless it is good programming practice to close your..

Python string decoding issue


cannot represent a character documentation . The supported strategies are strict the default ignore replace xmlcharref and backslashreplace... and backslashreplace. You can even add your own custom strategies . Another test program I print with quotes around the string..

PyPy — How can it possibly beat CPython?


platform memory and threading models garbage collection strategies and optimizations applied including whether or not to have a..

F# vs IronPython: When is one preferred to the other?


solve languages using roughly the same techniques idioms strategies style etc. If you're a .NET developer you've almost certainly..

Migrating from CPython to Jython


with zxJDBC Anything else Related question What are some strategies to write python code that works in CPython Jython and IronPython..

Replacing a Django image doesn't delete original


the original file only the replacement. Are there any good strategies to doing this I don't want to have a bunch of orphan files if..

What are some strategies to write python code that works in CPython, Jython and IronPython


are some strategies to write python code that works in CPython Jython and IronPython..

Python dynamic inheritance: How to choose base class upon instance creation?


some of python's black magic . Maybe my answer lies with strategies like modifying the self.__cls__ attribute after creation or..