

python Programming Glossary: settings.media_root

Unable to serve static files like css, js in django python


P path . ' 'django.views.static.serve' 'document_root' settings.MEDIA_ROOT 'show_indexes' True url r'^static P path . ' 'django.views.static.serve'.. admin.site.urls static settings.MEDIA_URL document_root settings.MEDIA_ROOT urlpatterns staticfiles_urlpatterns share improve this answer..

Serving static media during Django development: Why not MEDIA_ROOT?


P path . ' 'django.views.static.serve' 'document_root' settings.MEDIA_ROOT Which picks up the MEDIA_ROOT from your settings file meaning..

can't figure out serving static images in django dev environment


P path . ' 'django.views.static.serve' 'document_root' settings.MEDIA_ROOT 'show_indexes' True Note how that takes anything with the url..

Django: when trying domain.com/admin gives 404 with an old unexisting urls file


P path . ' 'django.views.static.serve' 'document_root' settings.MEDIA_ROOT And the site worked. I didn't have an admin. So i decided to..

Django: how do you serve media / stylesheets and link to them within templates


P path . ' 'django.views.static.serve' 'document_root' settings.MEDIA_ROOT Within my template head title block title DSO Template endblock.. P path . ' 'django.views.static.serve' 'document_root' settings.MEDIA_ROOT template file link rel stylesheet type text css href static..

Django Admin Media prefix URL issue


P path . ' 'django.views.static.serve' 'document_root' settings.MEDIA_ROOT I need to get both the CSS files in my application. my base.html..

Convert HTML into PDF using Python


a relative path but it's not used here. path os.path.join settings.MEDIA_ROOT uri.replace settings.MEDIA_URL return path For newer Django..

Django cannot find my media files (on development server)


P path . ' 'django.views.static.serve' 'document_root' settings.MEDIA_ROOT I am at a loss as to what I should do to get it working. I am..

Django FileField open() method returns None for valid file?


name data task.seq_file.open filename os.path.join settings.MEDIA_ROOT task.seq_file.name if not os.path.isfile filename raise Exception.. task Task.objects.get task_name name filename os.path.join settings.MEDIA_ROOT task.seq_file.name if not os.path.isfile filename raise Exception..