

python Programming Glossary: severe

PyLint, PyChecker or PyFlakes? [closed]


the code was perfect. I am looking for something quite severe so I don't think I'll go for it. PyLint has been very talkative..

how to collate output in python logging memoryhandler + smtphandler


Is it advisable to go with Python 3.1 for a beginner? [duplicate]


to go with Python 3.1 for a beginner Or are there any severe drawbacks I would have to consider python version python 3.x.. is much simpler than 2.5 or 2.6 but currently suffers a severe dearth of third party add ons environments supporting it big..

How to synchronize a python dict with multiprocessing


of its time over multiprocessing due to multiprocessing's severe limitation in being unable to share newly created objects while..

How do I make a defaultdict safe for unexpecting clients?


How to sort my paws?


as when the dog is walking. Or perhaps the dog just has severe hip problems... Fortunately we can still programatically detect..

How can I disable logging while running unit tests in python django?


Simple, hassle-free, zero-boilerplate serialization in Scala/Java similar to Python's Pickle?


Cannot de serialize objects with no 0 arg ctors which is a severe limitation. Also you have to register every class you plan to..