python Programming Glossary: server.serve_forever
how to combine django plus gevent the basics? application print Starting server on http 1234 server.serve_forever Some might complain that this server isn't web scale enough...
Main Python Process is stopped using subprocess calls in SocketServer us a port server ForkedTCPServer address RequestHandler server.serve_forever This works great if you only do one connection at a time. However.. 2000 server ThreadedTCPServer address RequestHandler server.serve_forever Note that this does not work on windows because of python's..
How to set up Python server side with javascript client side server WSGIServer address application server.backlog 256 server.serve_forever If your program is Object Oriented it'd be fairly easy to integrate..
Multithreaded web server in python
Network programming in Python my_func a b return a b server.register_function my_func server.serve_forever And easy to connect to import xmlrpclib s xmlrpclib.ServerProxy..
SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer - Cannot bind to address after program restart
Slow Python HTTP server on localhost 'localhost' 80 MyHandler print 'Started http server' server.serve_forever except KeyboardInterrupt print '^C received shutting down server'..
Generating a WSDL using Python and SOAPpy 8080 server.registerFunction getNEXTVAL server.serve_forever I want to generate a WSDL that I can give to the web folks and..
socket.error: [Errno 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions 80 server SocketServer.TCPServer HOST PORT MyTCPHandler server.serve_forever C python python Traceback most recent call last..
File Sharing Site in Python SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer '' 8080 RequestHandler server.serve_forever except KeyboardInterrupt server.socket.close share improve..
How to implement a minimal server for AJAX in Python? BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer server_address TestHandler server.serve_forever if __name__ __main__ open_browser start_server ...and the HTML..
Python: BaseHTTPRequestHandler post variables self # post variables server HTTPServer '' 4444 Handler server.serve_forever # test with # curl d param1 value1 param2 value2 http localhost..
How do I write a python HTTP server to listen on multiple ports? server ThreadingHTTPServer 'localhost' 80 MyRequestHandler server.serve_forever python webserver share improve this question Sure just.. port server ThreadingHTTPServer localhost port Handler server.serve_forever Thread target serve_on_port args 1111 .start serve_on_port 2222..
Adding SSL Support to SocketServer e def main server SSlSocketServer '' 9999 Decoder server.serve_forever if __name__ '__main__' main now test server import socket s..
How to keep a socket open until client closes it? 3288 server SocketServer.TCPServer HOST PORT MyTCPHandler server.serve_forever Client import socket import sys from time import sleep HOST..