

python Programming Glossary: server.quit

Trying to send email (Gmail as mail provider) using Python


username password server.sendmail fromaddr toaddrs msg server.quit python email smtp gmail share improve this question You..

Send email with python


How to send an e-mail from a Python script that is being run on “Google App Engine”?


'localhost' server.sendmail fromaddr toaddrs msg server.quit but I hardly understand how I could have this script run from..

Failing to send email with the Python example


1 server.sendmail fromaddr toaddrs msg server.quit and then I get this error message Traceback most recent call.. LOGIN PASSWORD server.sendmail FROMADDR TOADDRS msg server.quit I'm using Python 2.5.2. Edit changed port from 25 to 587 as..

Python - How to send utf-8 e-mail?


as ex #log error #return 1 #debug raise ex finally server.quit if __name__ __main__ #debug sys.argv.append Moje sys.argv.append..

Sending Email With Python


smtplib.SMTP 'myserver' server.sendmail FROM TO message server.quit However if I try to wrap it in a function like this def sendMail.. server smtplib.SMTP SERVER server.sendmail FROM TO message server.quit and call it I get the following errors Traceback most recent..

django to send AND receive email?


1 # Do something with the message server.dele msgNum server.quit elif mb.email_box_type 'imap' if mb.email_box_ssl if not mb.email_box_port..