python Programming Glossary: session.query
Scanning huge tables with SQLAlchemy using the ORM the resulting SQLite database session Session for p in session.query Picture print p I expected to see hashes scrolling by but instead.. this myself. Changing the code to session Session for p in session.query Picture .yield_per 5 print p loads only 5 pictures at a time...
SQLAlchemy Inheritance both approaches # buildings that are within x 5 and y 3 session.query Building .filter Building.x 5 Building.y 3 # Residential buildings.. 3 # Residential buildings that have only 1 resident session.query Residential .filter Residential.num_residents 1 To control which..
Convert sqlalchemy row object to python dict throws 'TypeError 'User' object is not iterable' for u in session.query User .all print dict u Running this code on my system outputs..
Does SQLAlchemy have an equivalent of Django's get_or_create? get_or_create_instrument session serial_number instrument session.query Instrument .filter_by serial_number serial_number .first if.. get_or_create session model defaults None kwargs instance session.query model .filter_by kwargs .first if instance return instance False..
Efficiently updating database using SQLAlchemy ORM # snip creation of session object for c in session.query Stuff 1 session.flush session.commit This does the.. objects that are in your session. So if you say for c in session.query Stuff .all 1 session.commit it will do what it says.. 0.5 series you could also use this method for updating session.query Stuff .update 1 session.commit That will..
SQLAlchemy: selecting which columns of an object in a query it returns # hypothetical syntax of course for u in session.query User.columns userid name .all print u would print User 1 'bob'..
parsing excel documents with python
memory-efficient built-in SqlAlchemy iterator/generator? fetched bite sized chunks of the dataset for thing in session.query Things analyze thing To avoid this I find I have to build my..
SQLAlchemy - build query filter dynamically from dict the query dynamically based on the dict. I know I can do session.query myClass .filter_by web_dict However that only works when the.. using the __dict__ attribute for k v in web_dict.items q session.query myClass .filter myClass.__dict__ k .like ' s ' v Not sure how.. object with the result of that method call. So basically q session.query myClass for attr value in web_dict.items q q.filter getattr..
Using OR in SQLAlchemy OR firstname 'whitey' Should be something like addr session.query AddressBook .filter City boston .filter python sqlalchemy..
I need a sample of python unit testing sqlalchemy model with nose def teardown session.remove def test_something instances session.query model.SomeObj .all eq_ 0 len instances session.add model.SomeObj..
How to integrate SQLAlchemy and a subclassed Numpy.ndarray smoothly and in a pythonic way? ui session.add c1 session.commit # Load MyNumpy Objects c2 session.query Container .filter_by name Test Container .first # Ugly UI mn3.. session.add c1 session.commit # Load MyNumpy Objects c2 session.query Container .filter_by name Test Container .first mn3 c1.my_numpies..