python Programming Glossary: setlocal
.vimrc configuration for Python a new file. Try this instead au BufEnter BufRead .py setlocal smartindent cinwords if elif else for while try except finally.. finally def class Note that I also changed the set to setlocal . This'll prevent these options from stomping on your other..
Problem with Vim omnicomplete and system Python on set ofu syntaxcomplete#Complete autocmd FileType python setlocal omnifunc pythoncomplete#Complete When some .py file is open.. use pythoncomplete#Complete # ~ .vim ftplugin python.vim setlocal omnifunc pythoncomplete#Complete # Or by autocmd autocmd FileType.. # Or by autocmd autocmd FileType python setlocal omnifunc pythoncomplete#Complete share improve this answer..
How to write a batch file showing path to executable and version of Python handling Python scripts on Windows? batch file looks now like this SOLUTION 1b @echo off setlocal set test_script rem Let's create temporary Python.. after equal sign rem PYTHON_HOME python.exe 1 set handler setlocal enableDelayedExpansion for A in reg_entry do if not defined.. avoiding problems of the above two SOLUTION 2 @echo off setlocal echo Python accessible through the system PATH where python..
How do you have shared log files under Windows? 20 times. The writes are safely interleaved. @echo off setlocal if ~1 neq goto test Initialize set log myLog.log 2 nul del log..