

python Programming Glossary: session

Python hashable dicts


syntax but can be used as a key. continuing from above session from collections import namedtuple Rule namedtuple Rule rule.keys..

How to use Python to login to a webpage and retrieve cookies for later usage?


Does SQLAlchemy have an equivalent of Django's get_or_create?


it out explicitly like this def get_or_create_instrument session serial_number instrument session.query Instrument .filter_by.. get_or_create_instrument session serial_number instrument session.query Instrument .filter_by serial_number serial_number .first.. return instrument else instrument Instrument serial_number session.add instrument return instrument python django sqlalchemy ..

Python lazy property decorator


a self print 'generating a ' return range 5 Interactive session t Test t.__dict__ t.a generating a 0 1 2 3 4 t.__dict__ '_lazy_a'..

Receive and send emails in python


sender 'you@mail.com' message 'Hello World' session smtplib.SMTP server # if your SMTP server doesn't need authentications.. need authentications # you don't need the following line session.login user password session.sendmail sender recipients message.. don't need the following line session.login user password session.sendmail sender recipients message For more options error handling..

Redirect stdout to a file in Python?


script e.g web application is started from within the ssh session and backgounded and the ssh session is closed the application.. from within the ssh session and backgounded and the ssh session is closed the application will raise IOError and fail the moment..

How to terminate a python subprocess launched with shell=True


the process in the groups. For that you should attach a session id to the parent process of the spawned child processes which..

What's a good lightweight Python MVC framework? [closed]


of Django . Yet web2py will do everything you need manage session cookies request response cache internationalization errors tickets..

Is it possible to implement a Python for range loop without an iterator variable?


the last result that returned in an interactive python session 1 2 3 _ 3 For this reason I would not use it in this manner...

What is the reason for performing a double fork when creating a daemon?


for its cleanup. And since the first child is # a session leader without a controlling terminal it's possible for # it.. second fork guarantees that the child is no # longer a session leader preventing the daemon from ever acquiring # a controlling..

How do you reload a Django model module using the interactive interpreter via “manage.py shell”?


regular Python module within a regular Python interpreter session. This question documents how to do that pretty well How do I.. doing that within Django's manage.py shell interpreter session. To recreate my issue start the basic Django tutorial found.. with an arbitrary Python module in a regular interpreter session works perfectly. I just can't seem to get it to work in Django's..

How to save a Python interactive session?


to save a Python interactive session I find myself frequently using Python's interpreter to work.. loops and bits of logic some history of the interactive session If I use something like script I get too much stdout noise... and editor. python shell read eval print loop interactive session share improve this question IPython is extremely useful..

Scanning huge tables with SQLAlchemy using the ORM


of a select over the resulting SQLite database session Session for p in session.query Picture print p I expected to see hashes.. a way to do this myself. Changing the code to session Session for p in session.query Picture .yield_per 5 print p loads only..

Convert sqlalchemy row object to python dict


name Column String def __init__ self name self.name name Session sessionmaker bind engine session Session user1 User anurag session.add.. self.name name Session sessionmaker bind engine session Session user1 User anurag session.add user1 session.commit # uncommenting..

SQLAlchemy: What's the difference between flush() and commit()?


this question Edited to reflect comments by zzzeek A Session object is basically an ongoing transaction of changes to a database.. called as part of a call to commit 1 . When you use a Session object to query the database the query will return results both.. parts of the uncommitted transaction it holds. By default Session objects autoflush their operations but this can be disabled...

Facebook API and Python [closed]


secret 'Your App Secret Key' session_key 'your infinite Session key of user' fb Facebook api_key secret fb.session_key session_key.. fb code fb.auth_token code return fb.auth.getSession print generate_session_from_onetime_code fb session_onetime_code..

Python decorator, self is mixed up


args else print using cache return self.cache fname class Session p.Session def __init__ self user passw self.pl p.Session user.. print using cache return self.cache fname class Session p.Session def __init__ self user passw self.pl p.Session user passw @cacher.. Session p.Session def __init__ self user passw self.pl p.Session user passw @cacher def get_something self print get_something..

SQLAlchemy classes across files


test.db Base.metadata.create_all engine checkfirst True Session sessionmaker bind engine session Session a A.A b1 B.B b2 B.B.. checkfirst True Session sessionmaker bind engine session Session a A.A b1 B.B b2 B.B c1 C.C c2 C.C a.Bs.append b1 a.Bs.append.. base.Base.metadata.create_all engine checkfirst True Session sessionmaker bind engine session Session a1 a.A b1 b.B b2 b.B..