

python Programming Glossary: server.py

Main Python Process is stopped using subprocess calls in SocketServer


I am trying to implement a sort of reverse terminal start server.py on some computer foo. On some other computer run nc foo 2000.. and my python process has the message 1 Stopped python server.py If I type 1 to bring the process to the foreground then the..

RFCOMM without pairing using PyBluez on Debian?


from the PyBluez documentation Server # file rfcomm server.py # auth Albert Huang albert@csail.mit.edu # desc simple demonstration.. server application that uses RFCOMM sockets # # Id rfcomm server.py 518 2007 08 10 07 20 07Z albert from bluetooth import server_sock..

nightmare with relative imports, how does pep 366 work?


__init__.py path.py network __init__.py clientlib.py server.py gui __init__.py mainwindow.py controllers.py In this structure..

Having a console in a single-threaded Python script


files.evadeflow.com pyrrepl.zip Start two consoles and run server.py in one client.py in the other. What you see in client.py should.. even though all commands are being round tripped to server.py for evaluation. Of course using sockets like this is terribly..

Requesting Token via Django Piston Throws TypeError Exception


# fake urls for the test server matches ones in server.py REQUEST_TOKEN_URL 'http s s api oauth request_token ' CONSUMER_SERVER..

Can't get Python to import from a different folder


itself succeeds. Here is my directory structure Server server.py Models user.py Here's the contents of server.py from sys import.. Server server.py Models user.py Here's the contents of server.py from sys import path from os import getcwd path.append getcwd..

Python client / server question


exits with this error Traceback most recent call last File server.py line 21 in module rc conn.recv 2 File usr lib python2.6 socket.py..

How to keep a socket open until client closes it?


finally sock.close Here is the output I get Server python server.py wrote hello Client python client.py Traceback most..

subprocess.Popen() IO redirect


Trying to redirect a subprocess' output to a file. server.py while 1 print Count str count sys.stdout.flush count count 1.. sys.stdout.flush count count 1 time.sleep 1 Laucher cmd '. server.py temp.txt' args shlex.split cmd server subprocess.Popen args.. through a fifo. This works fine if I manually launch server.py but obviously not if I Popen cause redirect doesnt work. ps..

Python & OpenERP development enviroment setup howto?


that that suggests starting the server with . openerp server.py “addons path ~ home workspace stable addons Which apparently..