python Programming Glossary: plt.scatter
real-time plotting in while loop with matplotlib i 1000 temp_y np.random.random x.append i y.append temp_y plt.scatter i temp_y i 1 I would expect this example to plot 1000..
Integrate 2D kernel density estimate cset inline 1 fontsize 10 plt.colorbar # Plot point plt.scatter x1 y1 c 'r' s 35 The red point with coordinates x1..
plot decision boundary matplotlib plt.axis 'off' # Plot also the training points plt.scatter X 0 X 1 c Y cmap some examples from sklearn documentation..
PyPlot reverse Y-Axis y_arr for x y in points x_arr.append x y_arr.append y plt.scatter x_arr y_arr python matplotlib share improve this question..
Fixing color in scatter plots in matplotlib matplotlib.pyplot as plt xyc range 20 plt.subplot 121 plt.scatter xyc 13 xyc 13 c xyc 13 s 35 vmin 0 vmax 20 plt.colorbar plt.xlim.. plt.colorbar plt.xlim 0 20 plt.ylim 0 20 plt.subplot 122 plt.scatter xyc 8 20 xyc 8 20 c xyc 8 20 s 35 vmin 0 vmax 20 plt.colorbar..
Resampling irregularly spaced data to a regular grid in Python z np.random.random ndata # Plot the random data points plt.scatter x y c z plt.axis xmin xmax ymin ymax plt.colorbar You.. yi # Plot the results plt.figure plt.pcolormesh xi yi zi plt.scatter x y c z plt.colorbar plt.axis xmin xmax ymin ymax However.. # Plot the results plt.figure plt.pcolormesh xi yi zi plt.scatter x y c z plt.colorbar plt.axis xmin xmax ymin ymax Hope..
Scatter plot with a huge amount of data fig.subplots_adjust bottom 0.2 ax fig.add_subplot 111 plt.scatter delta vf c dS alpha 0.7 cmap cm.Paired Nothing special actually...
Python/Scipy 2D Interpolation (Non-uniform Data) CS plt.contourf xi yi GD 15 cmap plt.colorbar plt.scatter rows cols marker 'o' c 'b' s 5 plt.figure I2 I2 xi yi CS plt.contour.. CS plt.contourf xi yi I2 15 cmap plt.colorbar plt.scatter rows cols marker 'o' c 'b' s 5 python numpy scipy..
Matplotlib: How to put individual tags for a scatter plot find a way to add tags to the points. For example scatter1 plt.scatter data1 x data1 y marker o c blue facecolors white edgecolors.. '.format i for i in range N plt.subplots_adjust bottom 0.1 plt.scatter data 0 data 1 marker 'o' c data 2 s data 3 1500 cmap plt.get_cmap..
Multivariate spline interpolation in python/scipy? 'nearest' extent 0 ncols nrows 0 plt.colorbar im plt.scatter column row c zi vmin data.min vmax data.max for r c z in zip..
Generate a heatmap in MatPlotLib using a scatter data set 111 ax.pcolormesh tgrid pgrid heat cmap 'gist_heat_r' plt.scatter times price volume marker 'x' locator dates.DayLocator ax.xaxis.set_major_locator..
Efficient method of calculating density of irregularly spaced points 'lower' extent view_xmin view_xmax view_ymin view_ymax plt.scatter xlvis ylvis # plot density calculated with kdtree plt2 fig.add_subplot.. 'lower' extent view_xmin view_xmax view_ymin view_ymax plt.scatter xlvis ylvis # gaussian filter plt3 fig.add_subplot 223 plt3.set_axis_off.. 'lower' extent view_xmin view_xmax view_ymin view_ymax plt.scatter xlvis ylvis # boxsum smoothing plt3 fig.add_subplot 224 plt3.set_axis_off..
Python : 2d contour plot from 3 lists : x, y and rho?
matplotlib animating a scatter plot x y c np.random.random 3 numpoints fig plt.figure scat plt.scatter x y c c s 100 ani animation.FuncAnimation fig update_plot frames..