python Programming Glossary: plt.clf
How to scale axes in mplot3d should work from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D plt.clf fig pylab.figure ax Axes3D fig ax.set_xlim3d 0 1000 ax.set_ylim3d..
how to plot and annotate hierarchical clustering dendrograms in scipy/matplotlib np.array 4.0 2.5 2.5 1.4 size n plt.figure 1 figsize 6 5 plt.clf plt.scatter x 0 x 1 plt.axis 'equal' plt.grid True linkage_matrix.. linkage_matrix linkage x single plt.figure 2 figsize 10 4 plt.clf plt.subplot 1 2 1 show_leaf_counts False ddata augmented_dendrogram..
matplotlib very slow. Is it normal? 'b' plt.savefig os.path.join os.getcwd 'plot average.pdf' plt.clf print 'Final plot created.' Final Picture python performance..
Using events with matplotlib in a for loop def ontype event if event.key '1' print 'It is working' plt.clf # Create figure an connect the event to it fig plt.figure figsize..
Interactive mode in matplolib x items 'ob ' plt.axis 0 10 40 40 plt.draw #time.sleep 2 plt.clf plt.close python matplotlib share improve this question ..
Generate a heatmap in MatPlotLib using a scatter data set x y bins 50 extent xedges 0 xedges 1 yedges 0 yedges 1 plt.clf plt.imshow heatmap extent extent This makes a 50x50..
Set Colorbar Range in matplotlib m.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap 'my_colormap' cdict 1024 plt.clf plt.pcolor X Y v cmap cm plt.loglog plt.xlabel 'X Axis' plt.ylabel.. x y data 2 np.sin X np.sin 3 Y def do_plot n f title #plt.clf plt.subplot 1 3 n plt.pcolor X Y f data cmap cm vmin 4 vmax..
How can I remove the axes in an Axes3D class? len NZindices X.shape 0 100 fig.savefig fname plt.clf plt.close I want to remove the original x y z axes that come..
How do I display real-time graphs in a simple UI for a python program?
How to plot confusion matrix with string axis rather than integer in python i tmp_arr.append float j float a norm_conf.append tmp_arr plt.clf fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot 111 res ax.imshow array norm_conf.. float j float a norm_conf.append tmp_arr fig plt.figure plt.clf ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.set_aspect 1 res ax.imshow np.array..