

python Programming Glossary: plt.axes

Financial Charts / Graphs in Ruby or Python


holds the difference # between high and low. width 0 ax plt.axes rects1 ax.bar np.arange 50 deltas width color 'r' bottom bases..

Matplotlib basemap: Popup box


like import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig plt.figure ax plt.axes points_with_annotation for i in range 10 point plt.plot i i..

Setting the size of the plotting canvas in Matplotlib


size as the original fig plt.figure figsize xinch yinch ax plt.axes 0. 0. 1. 1. frameon False xticks yticks ax.imshow img interpolation.. plotting a title fig plt.figure figsize xinch yinch .8 ax plt.axes 0. 0. 1. .8 frameon False xticks yticks ax.imshow img interpolation..

Animated title in matplotlib


0 2 2 np.pi 100 fig plt.figure img plt.plot np.sin vls ax plt.axes ax.set_xlim 0 2 2 np.pi #ttl ax.set_title '' animated True ttl.. 0 2 2 np.pi 100 fig plt.figure img plt.plot np.sin vls ax plt.axes ax.set_xlim 0 2 2 np.pi #ttl ax.set_title '' animated True ttl..

Matplotlib autoscale


mpl.line_holder colors mpl.colorholder linestyle 'solid' plt.axes .add_collection lines plt.axes .set_aspect 'equal' 'datalim'.. linestyle 'solid' plt.axes .add_collection lines plt.axes .set_aspect 'equal' 'datalim' plt.draw plt.show This creates..

matplotlib: adding second axes() with transparent background?


0 2 np.pi 100 y 2 np.sin x Plot fig plt.figure ax plt.axes fig.add_subplot ax ax.plot x y Add second axis newax plt.axes.. fig.add_subplot ax ax.plot x y Add second axis newax plt.axes axisbg 'none' Gives me ValueError Unknown element o even though.. see that this works no error to do the same thing newax plt.axes fig.add_subplot newax newax.set_axis_bgcolor 'none' However..

python - matplotlib - setting aspect ratio


ax fig.add_subplot 111 aspect 1.0 ax.set_aspect 'equal' plt.axes .set_aspect 'equal' Any ideas Let me know if you need more info..