python Programming Glossary: plt.close
Closing pyplot windows range 0 40 4 plot1 plt.figure plt.plot a b 'r o' plt.close plot2 plt.figure plt.plot c d 'b o' plt.close Edit.. plt.close plot2 plt.figure plt.plot c d 'b o' plt.close Edit Code This didn't work either. plot1 plt.figure 1 plt.plot.. plt.plot a b 'r o' plot2 plt.figure 2 plt.plot c d 'b o' #plt.close 1 #this will prevent plot1 from being displayed plt.close..
Alternate colors in stacked matplotlib bar property1 property2 plt.xticks ind width 2. IDs plt.close So I want to use one color scheme for the bars labelled with..
Interactive mode in matplolib 'ob ' plt.axis 0 10 40 40 plt.draw #time.sleep 2 plt.clf plt.close python matplotlib share improve this question This page..
How can I remove the axes in an Axes3D class? X.shape 0 100 fig.savefig fname plt.clf plt.close I want to remove the original x y z axes that come by default..
Matplotlib: simultaneous plotting in multiple threads fig # comment out this line and it behaves as expected plt.close fig TapHistQueue Queue.Queue 0 FigureQueue Queue.Queue 0 def..
How can I release memory after creating matplotlib figures 10 7 ax fig.add_subplot 111 ax.plot a b fig.clf plt.close del a b gc.collect python memory leaks numpy matplotlib share..
Matplotlib errors result in a memory leak. How can I free up that memory? fig.clf # normally I use these lines to release the memory plt.close del a b gc.collect python memory leaks matplotlib share improve.. separate process. You don't have to worry about fig.clf or plt.close or del a b or gc.collect . All memory is freed when the process..
matplotlib: adding second axes() with transparent background? around the figure. Even if I switch the order same thing plt.close 'all' fig plt.figure newax plt.axes fig.add_subplot newax newax.set_axis_bgcolor..