

python Programming Glossary: plt.cm.jet

Python/Scipy 2D Interpolation (Non-uniform Data)


linewidths 0.5 colors 'k' CS plt.contourf xi yi GD 15 cmap plt.cm.jet plt.colorbar plt.scatter rows cols marker 'o' c 'b' s 5 plt.figure.. linewidths 0.5 colors 'k' CS plt.contourf xi yi I2 15 cmap plt.cm.jet plt.colorbar plt.scatter rows cols marker 'o' c 'b' s 5 plt.show..

How to plot confusion matrix with string axis rather than integer in python


111 ax.set_aspect 1 res ax.imshow np.array norm_conf cmap plt.cm.jet interpolation 'nearest' width len conf_arr height len conf_arr..

python matplotlib colorbar setting tick formator/locator changes tick labels


FIRST PLOT plt.figure CS plt.contour xi yi zi 25 cmap plt.cm.jet bar plt.colorbar # draw colorbar # plot data points. #plt.scatter.. SECOND PLOT plt.figure CS plt.contour xi yi zi 25 cmap plt.cm.jet bar plt.colorbar # draw colorbar bar.ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator.. ##### PLOT plt.figure CS plt.contour xi yi zi 25 cmap plt.cm.jet bar plt.colorbar orientation 'horizontal' # draw colorbar tick_locs..

Matplotlib so log axis only has minor tick mark labels at specified points. Also change size of tick labels in colorbar


X.shape 8000000 surf ax.contourf X Y Z 8 cmap plt.cm.jet ax.set_ylabel 'Log Frequency Hz ' ax.set_xlabel 'Log Frequency..