

python Programming Glossary: pointer

Is Python strongly typed?


dialects of C which were weakly statically typed so that pointers and integers were pretty much interchangeable. Modern ISO C.. required but the type system can be subverted by using pointer casts. The strength of the type system in a dynamic language..

What does python sys.intern do, and when should it be used?


the key comparisons after hashing can be done by a pointer compare instead of a string compare. Normally the names used..

Python List Index


list around memory Python chooses to just use a reference 'pointer' in C terms . If you assign one to another variable you assign.. 2 So in your first line of code you have 4 0 . Now 0 is a pointer to the value 0 in memory and when you multiply it you get four.. value 0 in memory and when you multiply it you get four pointers to the same place in memory. BUT when you change one of the..

file.tell() inconsistency


ahead buffer to increase efficiency. As a result the file pointer advances in large steps across the file as you loop over the..

How to pack and unpack using ctypes (Structure <-> str)


buf cstring create_string_buffer buf ctype_instance cast pointer cstring POINTER ctype .contents return ctype_instance if __name__..

Why do we need tuples in Python (or any immutable data type)?


Python seems to be over emphasized. In C C if I allocate a pointer and point to some valid memory I don't care where the address.. I reference that variable I don't need to know if the pointer is still pointing to the original address or not. I just check..

Python function pointer


function pointer I have a function name stored in a variable like this myvar.. What's the easiest way to achieve this python function pointers share improve this question funcdict 'mypackage.mymodule.myfunction'..

What do (lambda) function closures capture in Python?


is an object and thus every variable is essential a pointer to it. When creating the lambda closures for i I expected it.. the lambda closures for i I expected it to store a pointer to the integer object currently pointed to by i . That means..

How can I use a DLL from Python


is a fairly consistent interface. All calls pass four void pointers EHLLAPI sends the return code back through the fourth parameter.. sends the return code back through the fourth parameter a pointer to an int so while I specify int as the return type I can safely..

Getting data from ctypes array into numpy


x This returns a 1D numpy array of the data. ctype pointer to data In this case from the library's documentation I understand.. library's documentation I understand that I am getting a pointer to the data stored and used directly to the library. Whey I.. directly to the library. Whey I do type y where y is the pointer I get class 'module_name.wrapper_class_name.LP_c_double' . With..

Broken Pipe error when using pip to install pycrypto on Mac OS X


arch i386 arch ppc arch x86_64 pipe std c99 O3 fomit frame pointer Isrc I System Library Frameworks Python.framework Versions 2.6.. arch i386 arch ppc arch x86_64 pipe std c99 O3 fomit frame pointer Isrc I System Library Frameworks Python.framework Versions 2.6..

Python: simple list merging based on intersections


num in row if num not in nums # New number tag it with a pointer to this row's bin nums num r continue else dest locatebin bins..

Seeking clarification on apparent contradictions regarding weakly typed languages


by making an unsafe block. In an unsafe block you can use pointer magic to treat an int as a float violating type safety or to..

Why NumPy instead of Python lists?


or so Python alone would need at least about 12 GB lots of pointers which double in size a much costlier piece of hardware The.. is mostly due to indirectness a Python list is an array of pointers to Python objects at least 4 bytes per pointer plus 16 bytes.. array of pointers to Python objects at least 4 bytes per pointer plus 16 bytes for even the smallest Python object 4 for type..

How to pack and unpack using ctypes (Structure <-> str)


buf ctype_instance cast pointer cstring POINTER ctype .contents return ctype_instance if __name__ __main__ e..

How can I retrieve the signal strength of nearby wireless LAN networks on Windows using Python?


WlanOpenHandle.argtypes DWORD c_void_p POINTER DWORD POINTER HANDLE WlanOpenHandle.restype DWORD WlanEnumInterfaces.. WlanOpenHandle.argtypes DWORD c_void_p POINTER DWORD POINTER HANDLE WlanOpenHandle.restype DWORD WlanEnumInterfaces wlanapi.WlanEnumInterfaces.. WlanEnumInterfaces.argtypes HANDLE c_void_p POINTER POINTER WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO_LIST WlanEnumInterfaces.restype..

How to convert pointer to c array to python array


following python code CPF_setDataSource CFUNCTYPE c_bool POINTER c_double c_longlong CPF_setSelection CFUNCTYPE c_bool c_char_p.. copy. Changes in `a` are reflected in `Data` If Data is a POINTER c_double you could get numpy array using numpy.fromiter . It.. count DataLength.value # copy To create a numpy array from POINTER c_double instance without copying you could use .from_address..

Read Unicode characters from command-line arguments in Python 2.x on Windows


multi byte characters with ' '. from ctypes import POINTER byref cdll c_int windll from ctypes.wintypes import LPCWSTR.. CommandLineToArgvW.argtypes LPCWSTR POINTER c_int CommandLineToArgvW.restype POINTER LPWSTR cmd GetCommandLineW.. LPCWSTR POINTER c_int CommandLineToArgvW.restype POINTER LPWSTR cmd GetCommandLineW argc c_int 0 argv CommandLineToArgvW..

Windows cmd encoding change causes Python crash


win32 import codecs from ctypes import WINFUNCTYPE windll POINTER byref c_int from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL HANDLE DWORD LPWSTR.. 0x8000 GetConsoleMode WINFUNCTYPE BOOL HANDLE POINTER DWORD GetConsoleMode windll.kernel32 INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE DWORD.. WriteConsoleW WINFUNCTYPE BOOL HANDLE LPWSTR DWORD POINTER DWORD LPVOID WriteConsoleW windll.kernel32 class UnicodeOutput..