python Programming Glossary: pname
run a simple python script in ios In Objective c #include Python.h void example PyObject pName pModule pDict pFunc pArgs pValue NSString nsString Initialize.. the Python Interpreter Py_Initialize Build the name object pName PyString_FromString myModule Load the module object pModule.. myModule Load the module object pModule PyImport_Import pName pDict is a borrowed reference pDict PyModule_GetDict pModule..
Call Python from C++ there is an access violation at pModule PyImport_Import pName . There are a lot of tutorials how to embed python in C and.. about that problem. int callPython TCHAR title PyObject pName pModule pFunc PyObject pArgs pValue Py_Initialize pName PyUnicode_FromString.. pName pModule pFunc PyObject pArgs pValue Py_Initialize pName PyUnicode_FromString Main Name of Pythonfile pModule PyImport_Import..
Create and call python function from string via C API I've found to solve my problem main.cpp int main PyObject pName pModule pArgs pValue pFunc PyObject pGlobal PyDict_New PyObject.. originally main.cpp #include Python.h int main PyObject pName pModule pArgs pValue pFunc Py_Initialize PyRun_SimpleString.. import sys PyRun_SimpleString sys.path.append '' pName PyString_FromString atest pModule PyImport_Import pName Py_DECREF..
Py_initialize / Py_Finalize not working twice with numpy segfault so I guess I am missing something Py_Initialize pName PyString_FromString comp_macbeth pModule PyImport_Import pName.. PyString_FromString comp_macbeth pModule PyImport_Import pName Py_DECREF pName if pModule NULL PyErr_Print Py_Finalize return.. comp_macbeth pModule PyImport_Import pName Py_DECREF pName if pModule NULL PyErr_Print Py_Finalize return pFunc PyObject_GetAttrString..