

python Programming Glossary: plt.colorbar

Animate quadratic grid changes (matshow)


fig ax plt.subplots mat ax.matshow generate_data plt.colorbar mat ani animation.FuncAnimation fig update data_gen interval..

Add separate colors for two (or more) specific values in color plot and color bar


colors mat ax.matshow a cmap cmap vmin 1 vmax N 1 cax plt.colorbar mat ticks np.linspace 0.5 N 1 0.5 N 1 cax.set_ticklabels range..

Set line colors according to colormap


plt.plot lin 0 lin 1 c floats_list j # Show colorbar. plt.colorbar plt.show python matplotlib share improve this question ..

Fixing color in scatter plots in matplotlib


121 plt.scatter xyc 13 xyc 13 c xyc 13 s 35 vmin 0 vmax 20 plt.colorbar plt.xlim 0 20 plt.ylim 0 20 plt.subplot 122 plt.scatter xyc.. xyc 8 20 xyc 8 20 c xyc 8 20 s 35 vmin 0 vmax 20 plt.colorbar plt.xlim 0 20 plt.ylim 0 20 plt.show And the plot this produces..

How do I get Monitor resolution in Python?


Set Colorbar Range in matplotlib


cmap cm plt.loglog plt.xlabel 'X Axis' plt.ylabel 'Y Axis' plt.colorbar plt.show So this produces a graph of the values 'v' on the axes.. X Y f data cmap cm vmin 4 vmax 4 plt.title title plt.colorbar plt.figure do_plot 1 lambda x x all do_plot 2 lambda x np.clip..

Resampling irregularly spaced data to a regular grid in Python


points plt.scatter x y c z plt.axis xmin xmax ymin ymax plt.colorbar plt.show You can then interpolate the data as you were doing.. plt.figure plt.pcolormesh xi yi zi plt.scatter x y c z plt.colorbar plt.axis xmin xmax ymin ymax plt.show However you'll notice.. plt.figure plt.pcolormesh xi yi zi plt.scatter x y c z plt.colorbar plt.axis xmin xmax ymin ymax plt.show Hope that helps at any..

Reduce left and right margins in matplotlib plot


used the code below to produce my chart plt.imshow g c plt.colorbar c.set_label Number of Slabs plt.savefig OutputToUse.png However..

Python/Scipy 2D Interpolation (Non-uniform Data)


0.5 colors 'k' CS plt.contourf xi yi GD 15 cmap plt.cm.jet plt.colorbar plt.scatter rows cols marker 'o' c 'b' s 5 plt.figure I2 I2.. 0.5 colors 'k' CS plt.contourf xi yi I2 15 cmap plt.cm.jet plt.colorbar plt.scatter rows cols marker 'o' c 'b' s 5 plt.show python..

Multivariate spline interpolation in python/scipy?


data interpolation 'nearest' extent 0 ncols nrows 0 plt.colorbar im plt.scatter column row c zi vmin data.min vmax data.max for..

python matplotlib colorbar setting tick formator/locator changes tick labels


plt.figure CS plt.contour xi yi zi 25 cmap plt.cm.jet bar plt.colorbar # draw colorbar # plot data points. #plt.scatter x y marker.. plt.figure CS plt.contour xi yi zi 25 cmap plt.cm.jet bar plt.colorbar # draw colorbar bar.ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator matplotlib.ticker.AutoLocator.. plt.figure CS plt.contour xi yi zi 25 cmap plt.cm.jet bar plt.colorbar orientation 'horizontal' # draw colorbar tick_locs 3.9e 1 2.6e..

Python : 2d contour plot from 3 lists : x, y and rho?


Defining a discrete colormap for imshow in matplotlib


origin 'lower' cmap cmap norm norm # make a color bar plt.colorbar img cmap cmap norm norm boundaries bounds ticks 0 5 10 plt.savefig..