
python Programming Glossary: cryptic

Which classes cannot be subclassed?


type 'bool' is not an acceptable base type It is quite cryptic as numerous questions on this subject show. I'll submit a suggestion..

ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()


dt enddate selected r mask To my surprise I got the rather cryptic error message ValueError The truth value of an array with more..

Paramiko “Unknown Server”


was raised because you are missing a host key the rather cryptic Unknown server is the clue since the exception was raised from..

How can you make python 2.x warn when coercing strings to unicode?


x79.com q ' urllib.quote_plus greeting will fail with a cryptic error if you enter John usr lib python2.7 urllib.py 1268 UnicodeWarning..

Numpy ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. This message may appear without the existing of a sequence?


you exactly what the problem is. Don't think of it as a cryptic error it's simply a phrase. What line is giving the problem..

Shortest Sudoku Solver in Python - How does it work?


the same way I solve them in my head but how does this cryptic algorithm work http scottkirkwood.blogspot.com 2006 07 shortest..

Python access to first element in dictionary


next iter dict.values though at this point it is quite cryptic and I'd rather prefer your code. If you want to remove any item..

Extract Google Search Results


this question Regex is a bad idea for parsing HTML. It's cryptic to read and relies of well formed HTML. Try BeautifulSoup for..

How to install pip on windows?


a C C compiler installed and configured you'll see this cryptic error message. Error Unable to find vcvarsall.bat You can fix..

ImportError: No module named copy_reg pickle


I try to unpickle the object I get the following rather cryptic exception ImportError No module named copy_reg Any ideas as..

Getting a python virtual env error after installing Lion


local bin . I believe that this is the root cause of the cryptic No module import errors. Reviewing my .bash_history I had originally..