

python Programming Glossary: cropped

Detect face then autocrop pictures


tried using Phatch but there is no face detection so some cropped pictures have their face cut right off. I have tried all of.. cv_im faceCascade if faces n 1 for face in faces croppedImage imgCrop pil_im face 0 boxScale boxScale fname ext os.path.splitext.. face 0 boxScale boxScale fname ext os.path.splitext img croppedImage.save fname '_crop' str n ext n 1 else print 'No faces..

PDF bleed detection


region to which the contents of the page shall be clipped cropped when displayed or printed. Unlike the other boxes the crop box..

How to determine a region of interest and then crop an image using OpenCV


image to the defined ROI cv Mat crop img roi Display cropped ROI cv imshow Cropped ROI crop cv waitKey 0 return 0 share..

Why should exec() and eval() be avoided?


code isn't too terrible for simple cases but as new types cropped up it got more and more complex. When there were bugs they always..

Detect and alter strings in PDFs


modules. # # ToDo # error handling is primitive if any. # cropped files CropBox are processed incorrectly. Fix it. # of course..

PIL crop and paste problem: Cropping doesn't create a cropped image


crop and paste problem Cropping doesn't create a cropped image I'm trying to crop an image and then paste the cropped.. image I'm trying to crop an image and then paste the cropped image into the centre of another image. Ideally I'd like the.. into the centre of another image. Ideally I'd like the cropped image to be smaller than the image its being pasted on so that..