python Programming Glossary: cruft
Should I Start With Python 3.0? vs 3.1 3.1 is a better language especially because some cruft was removed that had accumulated over the years but has to stay..
Python: is using “..%(var)s..” % locals() a good practice? All because you went for locals ... So you're accumulating cruft because of the way you've crimped your ability to maintain and.. like so keeping it or some other local around is not just cruft it's reducing your performance too. Is the surface convenience..
What is the best project structure for a Python application? startup scripts Where do you put the IDE project cruft Where do you put the unit acceptance tests Where do you put..
How to build 64-bit Python on OS X 10.6 — ONLY 64 bit, no Universal nonsense bit only build that will run on my one machine without any cruft. Does anyone have a simple answer Thanks much
Printing all instances of a class after iteration otherwise there's going to be a lot of cruft. Another problem in this case is that you have to make sure..
Pythonic way to convert a list of integers into a string of comma-separated ranges to count is to use enumerate . This adds some extra cruft that needs to be stripped out in the print statement G list..
Why are scripting languages (e.g. Perl, Python, Ruby) not suitable as shell languages? [closed] the Unix shell then removing all backwards compatibility cruft like backticks for command substitution and massaging it a bit..
problem compiling libjingle process but which one There are just too many layers of cruft here for me to follow. For sure I could just keep trying older..
Loading document as raw string in yaml with PyYAML users to be able to write the plain text without any extra cruft. Just the three 's or . 's and write away a large body of plain..