php Programming Glossary: url1
How can I scrape website content in PHP from a website that requires a cookie login? Gecko 20100101 Firefox 16.0 ROBOT ' cookiefile cookiefile url1 the login url generating the session ID ch curl_init curl_setopt.. the session ID ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL url1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_USERAGENT ua curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE.. value string implode ' ' coded curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL url1 same URL as before the login url generating the session ID curl_setopt..
get json using php vorto TheWordYouWant to the end of this website echo Help url1 http ajax epo eng url2 callback finalurl url1.. http ajax epo eng url2 callback finalurl url1 . vorto . url2 PLEASE HELP v1 fopen finalurl r echo v1 frv1..
CURL login by script to a Joomla website ch CURLOPT_HEADER TRUE curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_REFERER url1 POST fields postfields array postfields 'username' urlencode..
PHP Parallel curl requests url . I wrote a simple script is it websites array url1 url2 url3 ... url15 foreach websites as website data file_get_contents.. a simple script is it websites array url1 url2 url3 ... url15 foreach websites as website data file_get_contents website.. multi curl then something like this might help nodes array url1 url2 url3 node_count count nodes curl_arr array master curl_multi_init..