php Programming Glossary: urn
Facebook XMPP Chat API send Message PHP http XML 1998 namespace ' AUTH_XML ' auth xmlns urn ietf params xml ns xmpp sasl '. 'mechanism X FACEBOOK PLATFORM.. stream ' RESOURCE_XML ' iq type set id 3 '. ' bind xmlns urn ietf params xml ns xmpp bind '. ' resource fb_xmpp_script resource.. ' iq type set id 4 to '. ' session xmlns urn ietf params xml ns xmpp session iq ' START_TLS ' starttls xmlns..
Remote debugging won't stop at breakpoints Sites wm debug_test.php n 13 s enabled response xmlns urn debugger_protocol_v1 xmlns xdebug http dbgp xdebug.. feature_get i 885 n breakpoint_types response xmlns urn debugger_protocol_v1 xmlns xdebug http dbgp xdebug.. supported 1 CDATA line conditional call return exception response Does 'line conditional call return exception'..
how to use php to include an image in a word file? file_get_contents file base64 base64_encode contents return 'data ' . mime . ' base64 ' . base64 file 'new.doc' fh fopen.. a .gif version of the image and a xml file xml xmlns o urn schemas microsoft com office office o MainFile HRef .. new.doc..
simple php SoapClient example for paypal needed array new SoapVar args SOAP_ENC_ARRAY function.'_Req' 'urn ebay api PayPalAPI' results this soapClient __soapCall function.. xmlns xsd http 2001 XMLSchema xmlns ns1 urn ebay api PayPalAPI xmlns xsi http 2001 XMLSchema.. xsi http 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns ns2 urn ebay apis eBLBaseComponents SOAP ENV Header ns1 RequesterCredentials..
Xdebug ignores breakpoints fieg wp content plugins fieg fieg.php n 22 response xmlns urn debugger_protocol_v1 xmlns xdebug http dbgp xdebug.. that the path for the breakpoint was all wrong. It turned out that I had to setup Port Mapping in Eclipse. After setting.. fieg wp content plugins fieg fieg.php n 12 response xmlns urn debugger_protocol_v1 xmlns xdebug http dbgp xdebug..
SimpleXML Reading node with a hyphenated name v9.xsd office document meta xmlns office urn oasis names tc opendocument xmlns office 1.0 xmlns xlink http.. xlink xmlns dc http dc elements 1.1 xmlns meta urn oasis names tc opendocument xmlns meta 1.0 xmlns ooo http
Unable to add Attribute with Namespace Prefix using PHP Simplexml document that uses Excels XML Namespaces Workbook xmlns urn schemas microsoft com office spreadsheet xmlns ss urn schemas.. urn schemas microsoft com office spreadsheet xmlns ss urn schemas microsoft com office spreadsheet I need to get to this.. i addChild 'Data' 'value' data addAttribute ss Type String urn schemas microsoft com office spreadsheet gives me Cell ... Data..