php Programming Glossary: upper
Convert Lat/Longs to X/Y Co-ordinates return x x y y This will return the number of pixels from upper left. This function assumes the following That your image is.. the following That your image is properly aligned with the upper left corner 0 0 aligning with 90 North by 180 West. That your..
Finding free blocks of time in mysql and php? usage. timediff 'end time' 'start time' Joining with upper number Avoid first record in join with a long offset and limit..
Get the maximum value from an element in a multidimensional array? I'm posting here 0 stdClass Object id 70 cust 4 dnum 1 upper Array 0 66 1 stdClass Object id 43 cust 42 dnum 2 upper.. Array 0 66 1 stdClass Object id 43 cust 42 dnum 2 upper Array 0 77 2 stdClass Object id 12 cust 3 dnum 0 upper Array.. upper Array 0 77 2 stdClass Object id 12 cust 3 dnum 0 upper Array 0 99 I'm trying to find the maximum dnum value across..
PHP regular expression for strong password validation . a z . It validates only if the string contain at least 1 upper case letter contain at least 1 lower case letter contain at.. so that it checks the string to contain at least 2 upper case letter contain at least 2 lower case letter contain at.. 8 characters in length Well if it contains at least 2 upper lower digits and special characters then I wouldn't need the..
case insensitive xpath searching in php but all my trial and error has been in vain. I've tried upper ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ lower abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.. kw xml xpath line contains text 'translate ' keyword' ' upper' ' lower' but nothing seems to work. any tips php xpath ..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords 8 10 character minimum length plus require at least 1 upper case letter 1 lower case letter a number and a symbol. This.. passwords are better with 36 characters. But allowing upper and lower case with symbols is roughly 96 characters. That's..
PHP buffer ob_flush() vs. flush() any PHP script. ob_flush passes the current content to the upper layer. PHP itself might at its own discretion buffer output...
Bulletin board - Database optimisation for Bulletin system . I am not able to name tables with uppercase letters Im not sure why. I don't know why I can't have uppercase.. letters Im not sure why. I don't know why I can't have uppercase table names. Is it to do with using MyIsam database tables.. universal convention is that SQL Language is expressed in upper case every report and admin tool I have ever used generates..
Compiling an AST back to source code the string literal has to be escaped. Some languages allow upper or lower case keywords or even abbreviations and upper and lower.. upper or lower case keywords or even abbreviations and upper and lower case variable names meaning the same variable again..
Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now brand o countQuery SELECT ARTICLE_NO FROM AUCTIONS WHERE upper ARTICLE_NAME LIKE if numRecords con prepare countQuery numRecords.. ' d m Y k i s' ' d m Y' AS shortDate FROM AUCTIONS WHERE upper ARTICLE_NAME LIKE ' ' ORDER BY str_to_date ACCESSSTARTS ' d..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game of a Flash game I'm talking about an action game with no upper score limit and no way to verify the score on the server by..
Header in PDF page using DOMPDF in PHP color lightblue #footer .page after content counter page upper roman style body div id header h1 Widgets Express h1 div div..
Displaying two column html table while php loop [closed] query mysql_query Select i.nid LEFT i.fulltext 350 UPPER i.title LOWER from nl i JOIN jos_k2_categories c ON
To understand a line of PHP as one transaction query UPDATE authors SET author UPPER author WHERE id 1 query . UPDATE authors SET author LOWER author.. a lot In your case query UPDATE authors SET author UPPER author WHERE id 1 query . UPDATE authors SET author LOWER author.. WHERE id 2 echo query echos UPDATE authors SET author UPPER author WHERE id 1 UPDATE authors SET author LOWER author WHERE..
Filling Gaps in Dates Returned from Database - pure SQL solution possible? 2011 as my first date You're using the wrong format. It's UPPER case W not lower for day of week so ' W M Y' or ' d M Y' for..
how to compare case insensitive two strings in php like then you might want to use the SQL functions LOWER or UPPER to do the comparison with MALE and FEMALE depending on your..