php Programming Glossary: upload_err_ok
Unable to do File Upload in PHP array png jpg if isset _FILES 'file' _FILES file error UPLOAD_ERR_OK fileName _FILES 'file' 'name' fileSize _FILES 'file' 'size'..
Send File Attachment from Form Using phpMailer and PHP _FILES 'uploaded_file' _FILES 'uploaded_file' 'error' UPLOAD_ERR_OK mail AddAttachment _FILES 'uploaded_file' 'tmp_name' _FILES..
upload multiple images with jquery ajax and process them with php '' foreach _FILES img error as key value if value UPLOAD_ERR_OK succeed get the image original name name _FILES img name key.. '' foreach _FILES img error as key value if value UPLOAD_ERR_OK succeed name _FILES img name key image new SimpleImage image..
How to backup files from a specific directory to Dropbox using PHP only? file to reflect original name if _FILES 'file' 'error' UPLOAD_ERR_OK throw new Exception 'File was not successfully uploaded from..
Should we sanitize $_FILES['filename']['name']? key value result value false if _FILES source 'error' key UPLOAD_ERR_OK file ph Text Slug value '_' '.' if file_exists destination..
userland multipart/form-data handler ' u' filesize tmpname 'tmp_name' tmpname 'error' UPLOAD_ERR_OK else result null while feof input true line fgets input..
How do I rename a filename after uploading with php? end explode . fileName allowedExtensions if file 'error' UPLOAD_ERR_OK if isAllowedExtension file 'name' uploaddir uploads . uploaderName...
Check image dimensions (height and width) before uploading image using PHP PHP php foreach _FILES files error as key error if error UPLOAD_ERR_OK _FILES files size key 500000 _FILES files type key image gif..