php Programming Glossary: uri
How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode? var theQuote jQuery.ajax type 'POST' url ajaxParams.themeURI 'js ajax load quote.php' supplying the file path to the ajax.. ajax loading screen appended img src ' ajaxParams.themeURI 'images ajax loader.gif alt Loading ... width 16 height 16.. 'ajax quote' 'ajaxParams' array 'filePath' path 'themeURI' get_template_directory_uri . ' ' return output add_shortcode..
php: recreate and display an image from binary data share improve this question You can do this using a data URI in the image src attribute. The format is data MIME type charset.. This example is straight from the Wikipedia page on data URIs php function data_uri file mime contents file_get_contents..
PHP_SELF vs PATH_INFO vs SCRIPT_NAME vs REQUEST_URI vs PATH_INFO vs SCRIPT_NAME vs REQUEST_URI I am building a PHP application in CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter.. index.php . However I don't like to see index.php in the URI. For example http faq whatever will route to.. case it's always index.php . I can get it from REQUEST_URI PATH_INFO etc. but I'm trying to decide which will be most reliable...
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? is a mess the whole permissions table is a bad idea a URI can change and render pages unprotected permissions should always..
Why the hash part of the URL is not in the server side? identifier functions differently than the rest of the URI namely its processing is exclusively client side with no participation.. requests a resource from a Web server the agent sends the URI to the server but does not send the fragment. Instead the agent..
Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP only real difference is that it's argument should be an URI not a file system. The consequence is that you must define a..
Sending a 404 error in PHP a 404 error in PHP if strstr _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' 'index.php' header 'HTTP 1.0 404 Not Found' Why wont this work.. web server. User Hey do you have anything for me at this URI webserver Webserver No I don't 404 Here's a page to display.. handle a 404 User Hey do you have anything for me at this URI webserver Webserver Yes I do it's a PHP page. It'll tell you..
PHP Linkify Links In Content http https ftp or ftps prefix. a z0 9 ._~ ' # @ # All URI chars except normal . # Either on a or at the end of URI... URI chars except normal . # Either on a or at the end of URI. # Allow a char only if not start of an... gt #0 62 #x0 3e.. by optional punctuation then ^a z0 9 ._~ ' # @ # a non URI char or EOS. # If neg assertion true match special . a z0..
PHP Redirect with POST data The response to the request can be found under a different URI and SHOULD be retrieved using a GET method on that resource... to redirect the user agent to a selected resource. The new URI is not a substitute reference for the originally requested resource...
How should a model be structured in MVC? serviceFactory register 'Router' router Gets the part of URI after the symbol uri isset _SERVER 'PATH_INFO' _SERVER 'PATH_INFO'..
parse an XML with SimpleXML which has multiple namespaces 1.0 soap env mustUnderstand 1 eb From eb PartyId eb type URI eb PartyId eb From eb To eb PartyId eb type URI.. eb PartyId eb From eb To eb PartyId eb type URI eb PartyId eb To eb CPAId something eb CPAId eb ConversationId..
PHP - urlencode vs rawurlencode? . Also RFC 2396 is worth a look. RFC 2396 defines valid URI syntax. The main part we're interested in is from 3.4 Query..
CMS Routing in MVC __construct this parse_globals function parse_globals uri preg_replace . 1 str_replace _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' uri empty.. uri preg_replace . 1 str_replace _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' uri empty _GET 'rt' '' _GET 'rt' this segments array_filter explode.. 'rt' '' _GET 'rt' this segments array_filter explode ' ' uri if in_array admin this segments array_shift this segments ..
PHP Application URL Routing tags #^thread . #Di ThreadController route uri #^ajax tag . . #Di TagController add id tags #^ajax reply ... to be like this. function route args Route process args 'uri' array #^ . post #Di ThreadController post title #^ . reply..
How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server worth a try php data _POST 'imgData' file path to file.png uri substr data strpos data 1 file_put_contents file base64_decode.. data strpos data 1 file_put_contents file base64_decode uri echo file This one creates a file yay but its corrupted and..
Unable add namespace with PHPs SimpleXML third parameter of addAttribute to provide the namespace uri for the prefix you're using in the first parameter. node new..
Simulate file structure with PHP the URI and split it into segments such as class URI var uri var segments array function __construct this uri _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI'.. URI var uri var segments array function __construct this uri _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' this segments explode ' ' this uri function.. uri _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' this segments explode ' ' this uri function getSegment id default false id int id 1 if you type..
How should a model be structured in MVC? 'Router' router Gets the part of URI after the symbol uri isset _SERVER 'PATH_INFO' _SERVER 'PATH_INFO' ' ' Initializes.. apply routing pattens to that instance request new Request uri router route request Initialization of View class ' Application..
Send json post using php json json_encode data client new Zend_Http_Client uri client setRawData json 'application json' request 'POST' share..
Facebook: post image and description to wall and in page album via php dialog oauth client_id application_id redirect_uri canvas_url response_type token scope user_photos manage_pages.. an album via graph api. Here's sample code using curl uri sprintf 'https 1 s albums access_token 2.. post_fields array 'name' trim album_name curl curl_init uri curl_setopt curl CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 1 curl_setopt curl CURLOPT_POST..
PHP OOP core framework and projects and I should be able to edit them both. The uri would be something like domain backend projects the method would..
How to use Zend Service Amazon? ... more files StandardAutoloader.php Exception Stdlib Uri Validator ZendRest ZendService Amazon Authentication Exception.. copy the directories Crypt Escaper Http I18n Json Stdlib Uri and Validator into the Zend directory inside testing . You will..
Simulate file structure with PHP posts 22 robert pitt shows mvc style uri access Uri new URI echo Uri getSegment 1 Would return 'posts' echo Uri.. 22 robert pitt shows mvc style uri access Uri new URI echo Uri getSegment 1 Would return 'posts' echo Uri getSegment 2 Would.. new URI echo Uri getSegment 1 Would return 'posts' echo Uri getSegment 2 Would return '22' echo Uri getSegment 3 Would return..
Symfony2: help please with backward Uri (REFERRER) during switching locale help please with backward Uri REFERRER during switching locale All I'd like to implement.. request getSession set 'referrer' request getRequestUri return this render 'JetInformBundle Default index.html.twig'.. request getSession set 'referrer' request getRequestUri return this render 'JetInformBundle Default about.html.twig'..
Google Calendar API v3 hardcoded credentials state.Callback new Uri NativeApplicationClient.OutOfBandCallbackUrl if refreshToken.IsNotNullOrEmpty..