php Programming Glossary: unicode
how to replace special characters with the ones they're based on in PHP? question This answer is incorrect. I didn't understand Unicode Normalization when I wrote it. Look at francadaval's comment.. manual en normalizer.normalize.php Note that Unicode normalization has several forms and you seem to want Normalization..
How to decode Unicode escape sequences like “\u00ed” to proper UTF-8 encoded characters? to decode Unicode escape sequences like &ldquo u00ed&rdquo to proper UTF 8 encoded.. characters Is there a function in PHP that can decode Unicode escape sequences like u00ed to à and all other similar occurrences..
How to get code point number for a given character in a utf-8 string? Scott Reynen wrote a function to convert UTF 8 into Unicode . I found it looking at the PHP documentation . function utf8_to_unicode..
What factors make PHP Unicode-incompatible? factors make PHP Unicode incompatible I am able use UTF 8 characters just fine in my.. possible to have names of variables and functions contain Unicode characters . There is also the mb_string extension which deals.. in countless articles PHP is criticized for its lack of Unicode support. I don't get it why is PHP said to not support Unicode..
Headers already sent by PHP to its presence. They don't visualize it obliged by the Unicode standard . Some programmer and console editors however do There..
How to validate an email address in PHP [duplicate] read by any stretch rfc5322 rfc5321 rfc3696 rfc6531 allows unicode characters although many clients servers don't accept it Note..
I need help fixing Broken UTF8 encoding it to their proper accented UTF8 characters. php mysql unicode utf 8 share improve this question I've had to try to 'fix'.. second nature. And of course PHP6 is supposed to be fully unicode complaint from the getgo which will make lots of this easier..
Whether to use “SET NAMES” best practices to ensure that my database workflow is unicode aware. My target languages are php and python if this is relevant...
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? a hexeditor on your source. Some problems invisible stray unicode characters cannot be found just from looking at your code. Check..
How to decode Unicode escape sequences like “\u00ed” to proper UTF-8 encoded characters? similar question here but is doesn't seem to work. php unicode utf 8 escaping decoding share improve this question Try.. share improve this question Try this function replace_unicode_escape_sequence match return mb_convert_encoding pack 'H ' match.. 2BE' str preg_replace_callback ' u 0 9a f 4 i' 'replace_unicode_escape_sequence' str In case it's UTF 16 based C C Java Json..
What is the best collation to use for MySQL (with PHP) thinking it's one of the UTF 8 ones but I have used utf8_unicode_ci utf8_general_ci and utf8_bin before. php mysql encoding.. format. utf8_general_ci is somewhat faster than utf8_unicode_ci but less accurate for sorting . The specific language utf8.. to sort for those languages. Most of the time I use utf8_unicode_ci I prefer accuracy to small performance improvements unless..
How to get code point number for a given character in a utf-8 string? PHP with version mentioned above Thank you again. php unicode share improve this question Scott Reynen wrote a function.. it looking at the PHP documentation . function utf8_to_unicode str unicode array values array lookingFor 1 for i 0 i strlen.. at the PHP documentation . function utf8_to_unicode str unicode array values array lookingFor 1 for i 0 i strlen str i thisValue..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords But the good news is longer passwords and passwords with unicode characters really increase the entropy of a password and make.. its not memorable too predictable too short too many unicode characters hard to type on a Windows Mobile device too long..
What factors make PHP Unicode-incompatible? I don't get it why is PHP said to not support Unicode php unicode share improve this question When PHP was started several..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] still maintaining some real world conveniences. Handles unicode and uses loose comparison for readability. Be nice php header..
Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode vs serialize) before you make a choice JSON converts UTF 8 characters to unicode escape sequences. serialize does not. JSON will have no memory..
Detect EOL type using PHP detectEol str default '' static eols array 0x000D000A UNICODE CR LF CR U 000D followed by LF U 000A 0x000A UNICODE LF Line.. UNICODE CR LF CR U 000D followed by LF U 000A 0x000A UNICODE LF Line Feed U 000A 0x000B UNICODE VT Vertical Tab U 000B 0x000C.. by LF U 000A 0x000A UNICODE LF Line Feed U 000A 0x000B UNICODE VT Vertical Tab U 000B 0x000C UNICODE FF Form Feed U 000C 0x000D..
How to substitute non SGML characters in String using PHP? an illegal character in your text. HTML uses the standard UNICODE Consortium character repertoire and it leaves undefined among..