php Programming Glossary: under
How foreach actually works and how to use it. This question concerns how it works under the bonnet and I don't want any answers along the lines of this.. sometimes you do get to see some very weird and hard to understand behavior. This happens in particular when you try to modify..
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? is free software you can redistribute it and or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by.. this data array_shift this data is more efficient but less understable break case ' ' r this pop r this pop r break case ' '..
PHP Sessions across sub domains variable it doesn't show both keys just whatever key I set under each domain. Edit 2 I updated Edit php authentication session..
PHP CURL not working - WAMP on Windows 7 64 bit the curl version that corresponds to your php version under Fixed curl extensions . So if you have php 5.3.13 download php_curl..
Who should handle the conditions in complex queries, the data mapper or the service layer? say we want to get all book written by a certain author under a specific publisher. We could expand the BookDataMapper get..
Efficient JPEG Image Resizing in PHP pixels wide by 700 pixels tall . This works great on small under 2 MB photos and the entire resize operation takes less than..
Make XAMPP/Apache serve file outside of htdocs [closed] serve up my TransitCalculator.php file without moving it under htdocs Preferably I'd like Apache to serve up have access to.. directory and I don't want to move the projects directory under htdocs . edit edited to add Apache to the question title to..
How do I get current page full URL in PHP on a Windows/IIS server iis share improve this question Maybe because you are under IIS _SERVER 'PATH_INFO' is what you want based on the URLs you..
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects Thanks everyone php continuous integration phing phpundercontrol share improve this question I've been through buildbot.. be 5 The process of building the project is specified under the option group 'Build'. If you already have an ant build file..
How should I ethically approach user password storage for later plaintext retrieval? fewer words which I'm sure your users would appreciate . I understand the arguments that there are password protected assets.. all that could happen is a someone spamming or posting under my name for a while. That wouldn't be great but it's not like..
What is the size limit of a post request? It's a server configuration. If you're working with PHP under Linux or similiar you can control these using .htaccess like..
Is there an easy way to convert a number to a word in PHP? modify it however I want so I place it here and re license under CC Wiki php English Number Converter Collection of PHP functions.. a number into English text. This exact code is licensed under CC Wiki on Stackoverflow. http licenses..
What is the difference between the PHP open tags ??lt;?=??and ??lt;?php????lt;??? redistribution or deployment on PHP servers which are not under your control because short tags may not be supported on the..
Highlight the difference between two strings in PHP
MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one 155 433 500 million threads so far and still growing... under innodb summing the next_thread_ids to give a total thread count.. a query that covers 15 million rows in 0.02 seconds while under load Further optimisations These would include partitioning..
PHP Redirect with POST data quote some of it The response to the request can be found under a different URI and SHOULD be retrieved using a GET method on..
Is closing the mysql connection important? will reach it's connection limit when the web server is under heavy usage. If you can't close the MySQL connection until near..
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects . What I know so far is phing ant for building and phpUnderControl or Hudson for the reporting part. I like them all as.. this will bring up a help text regarding the option. Under the option group 'Source Code Management' you would be using.. accepts both url access as well as local module access Under the option group 'Build Triggers' you would use 'Poll SCM'...
How do I resolve a HTTP 414 “Request URI too long” error? apache http status codes share improve this question Under Apache the limit is a configurable value LimitRequestLine ... check the link above you'll notice that Apache even says Under normal conditions the value should not be changed from the default...
Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP lighttpd or need a specific configuration nginx . Apache Under apache if you use mod_php you need to install a module called.. if you have access or via some webcron service otherwise Under apache you need to be able to enable FollowSymLinks in a .htaccess.. access files from php allowing the explicit user IP. Under apache it mean using mod_authz_host mod_access Allow from commands...
What is your preferred php deployment strategy? [closed] Takes down production server switching the domain to an Under construction page Runs SVN update on production checkout Runs.. server routes back to production checkout There's also phpUnderControl which is a Continuous Integration server. I didn't find..
PHP Get Site URL Protocol - http vs https .' ' return protocol. domainName define 'SITE_URL' siteURL Under SSL doesn't the server automatically convert the url to https..
Unable to find the wrapper “https” - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? https localhost. On that same section I checked phpinfo . Under Environment SERVER HTTPS is on. Under Apache Environment HTTPS.. I checked phpinfo . Under Environment SERVER HTTPS is on. Under Apache Environment HTTPS is On. Under PHP Variables _SERVER.. SERVER HTTPS is on. Under Apache Environment HTTPS is On. Under PHP Variables _SERVER HTTPS is On. Under Phar OpenSSL support..
In what cases will HTTP_REFERER be empty empty I know it's possible to get an empty HTTP_REFERER. Under what circumstances does this happen If I get an empty one does..
Does sleep time count for execution time limit? time. php sleep ini_get 'max_execution_time' 10 Spoiler Under Linux sleeping time is ignored but under Windows it counts as..
RegExp in preg_match function returning browser error overflow and instead gracefully exits with an error code. Under PHP this maximum recursion depth is specified with the pcre.recursion_limit.. and display pcre.recursion_limit. set to stacksize 500 . Under Win32 httpd.exe has a stack 256KB and 8MB for php.exe. ini_set.. I'm certainly going to do an inventory of my own PHP code. Under Windows the Apache webserver executable httpd.exe is built with..
Google Calendar API v3 hardcoded credentials command line application or you use a one off PHP page. Under the Google Api Console go to API Access Generate a new Client..