php Programming Glossary: understood
What is the difference between a language construct and a “built-in” function in PHP? constructs and expressions is this language constructs are understood and dealt with by the parser. Built in functions while provided..
How to render ZF2 view within JSON response? mvc share improve this question OK i think i finally understood what you're doing. I've found a solution that i think matches..
Shortcomings of mysql_real_escape_string? is very narrow but is seldom correctly understood. Another way to get yourself into hot water using mysql_real_escape_string..
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? they are too localized. That is sad because once you understood the root cause fixing the error is trivial. Hence this list..
php echo vs open&close tag vs print and double quotes vs single quotes are perfectly understood this is about another thing Are there any reasons why one would..
how to detect users timezone me. I got many answer regarding this issue but i could not understood those answer. Some said use new Date .getTimezoneOffset 60 from..
I never really understood: what is CGI? never really understood what is CGI CGI is a Comman Gateway Interface. As the name.. It is so trivial and naive from the name. I feel that I understood this and I felt this every time I encountered this word. But.. talking about. Did I really write CGI Script I hope you understood what my confusion is. Because I myself don't know where I'm..
Php array_push() vs myArray[] array_push vs myArray If I understood properly you can add value to an array by using myArray 123..
UTF-8 BOM signature in PHP files some things at the beginning of the file and from what I understood it's not that bad but I'm concerned because the only problematic..
Understanding MVC: Whats the concept of “Fat” on models, “Skinny” on controllers? what is returned and not typed that's something I've never understood Any comments are appreciated Thanks a lot OBS1 I'm not doing..
Best way to parse an invalid HTML in PHP have Tidy available. Regexp is also not recommended I understood for parsing html. php html parsing share improve this question..
Dynamic Paypal button encryption
PHP __get and __set magic methods if this is either not supposed to function the way I've understood that it should or why this is not working. This is running on..
Why need to use JSON in php and AJAX that JSON that a PHP script generates can be very easily understood by a JavaScript script. It is the best way to transmit complex..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? modules on top of. It was not engineered to be easily understood by people who are smart but aren't programmers. Third Magento..
PHP_SELF and XSS 'PHP_SELF' is vulnerable to XSS. I'm not sure if I have understood it correctly but I'm almost sure that it's wrong. How can this..
php mysql character set: storing html of international content text formatted in html inside a mysql database. What i understood was that the safe way to have all french special characters..
Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo in PHP. Semantics The statement echo e1 e2 ... eN can be understood as syntactic sugar for echo e1 echo e2 ... echo eN . Since all..