php Programming Glossary: uncomment
.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration or something along those lines Inside the httpd.conf file uncomment the line LoadModule rewrite_module modules remove.. in front of the line Also find the line ClearModuleList is uncommented then find and make sure that the line AddModule mod_rewrite.c..
Set up Apache for local development/testing? your http.conf file as described here . Basically you're uncommenting the lines that will load the PHP module. Whenever you make.. the following or similar line in your http.conf file and uncomment it. #NameVirtualHost Finally you'll need to tell apache where..
Easiest way to activate PHP and MySQL on Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion), 10.8 (Mountain Lion)? #LoadModule php5_module libexec apache2 And uncomment it remove the # . Download and install the latest MySQL version..
How to enable cURL in PHP / XAMPP share improve this question Since you're using XAMPP uncomment the line extension php_curl.dll in xampp apache bin php.ini..
How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode? wp content themes your_theme js ajax load quote.php php uncomment the below if you want to use native WP functions in this file..
intl extension: installing php_intl.dll extension_dir points to the right directory and add or uncomment the extension php_intl.dll directive. share improve this answer..
intl extension php_intl.dll with wamp bin And you also need to enable intl in php.ini file uncomment this line extension php_intl.dll And restart the server. It..
Socket transport “ssl” in PHP not enabled and this is what I've done so far to try to get it working uncommented the php_openssl.dll and php_sockets.dll extensions in php.ini.. to php.ini in C xampp php folder Edit php.ini and uncomment extension_dir ext . Also uncomment extension php_openssl.dll.. folder Edit php.ini and uncomment extension_dir ext . Also uncomment extension php_openssl.dll . After that it worked fine. share..
Native php support in Visual Studio 2010? 2010. If all you want is syntax highlighting auto comment uncomment and brace matching it could be done in one sitting by someone..
How to enable HTTPS stream wrappers 2 If you dont see https on the list add to uncomment from php.ini extension php_openssl.dll Restart your server and..
How to call ASP.NET .dll file from a PHP script? on which build of windows you are using you may need to uncomment the com extension in your php.ini php stack new DOTNET mscorlib..
PHP - make session expire after X minutes _SESSION 'login_time' 600 header Location login.php else uncomment the next line to refresh the session so it will expire after..
Detect Browser Language in PHP '_DLANG' 'en' Define all available languages. WARNING uncomment all available languages GLOBALS '_LANG' array 'af' afrikaans...
PHP session variables not carrying over to my logged in page, but session ID is is what's printed on my redirected logged in page when I uncomment the header redirect . Session ID is the same but I get no values..
Bitmask in PHP for settings? value this permissions key bitMask pow 2 i 0 true false uncomment the next line if you would like to see what is happening. echo..
JSON crossdomain communication with PHP file and a local javascript file action get_user_data user_id 33' function data alert data uncomment this for debug '#showdata' .html p Username data.username br..
Symfony2: Echoing JSON From a Controller for Use in an ExtJS 4 Grid request this getRequest if ajax only is going to be used uncomment next lines if request isXmlHttpRequest throw this createNotFoundException..
Enabling the openssl in xampp but i could not see any extension php_openssl.dll line to uncomment. Also i searched on Google and see a people suffer from same..
isset() function is returning true even when item is not set. --PHP/MySQL-- try again later.' echo mysql_error debugging purposes uncomment when needed else echo 'Successfully registered. You can now..
How to Integrate Blue Imp File Upload to CakePHP? if available 'orient_image' false 'image_versions' array Uncomment the following version to restrict the size of uploaded images...
Linking a PHP Extension Written in C myextension options as opposed to enable myextension . Uncomment the relevant lines in the config.m4 and fill in the details..
Inspect XML created by PHP SoapClient call before/without sending the request inspect dissect debug adjust the XML given in request here Uncomment the following line if you actually want to do the request return..
Format bytes to kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes floor bytes log bytes 0 log 1024 pow min pow count units 1 Uncomment one of the following alternatives bytes pow 1024 pow bytes 1..
How to enable curl in xampp? [duplicate] php php.ini C Program Files xampp php php4 php.ini Step 2 Uncomment the following line in your php.ini file by removing the semicolon..
Foreign Key not storing in Yii function actionCreate model new Group member new Member Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed this performAjaxValidation.. Member model findByPk member 'name' member new Member Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed this performAjaxValidation.. 'view' page. public function actionCreate model new Member Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed this performAjaxValidation..