php Programming Glossary: unauthorized
Best way to encode passwords in PHP computer unlocked or using a weak password. Regardless an unauthorized person has access to his messages. Ideally this would mean nothing.. love letters read by a stranger. Unfortunately the unauthorized person discovers a forum will email Frederic's password in plain..
Can I serve MP3 files with PHP? and then No Video . I'm trying to protect files from unauthorized download in case you're wondering why I'd want to do this. ..
How to log into joomla through an external script? access to our script. At this point we are redirecting any unauthorized users to the Joomla site to log in. We want to add a login capability..
What's best way to secure a database connection string? filesystem permissions are your best bet. If someone gets unauthorized root access no amount of encryption silliness is going to secure..
How can I prevent access to PHP files if the caller isn't using HTTPS? services where I pass in arguments via the URL. To prevent unauthorized access I pass in a unique key as one of the arguments. I call..
Best strategy to protect downloadable files -php/mysql Apache2 server I'll trying to figure out how to protect directory from unauthorized or not autentificated user to download files. Thank's in advance...
Are mysql_real_escape_string() and mysql_escape_string() sufficient for app security? Returns An entirely unexpected potentially probably unauthorized query from another completely different table. Whether you understand..
Best means of licensing php software? [closed]
SQL Injection Protection of destroying data. It could also be to steal data or gain unauthorized access. Consider a very restricted account where all it could..
Restrict file access to authorized php users and thus I need to implement a security measure to prevent unauthorized file access. Moving the location of the files is not really..
PHP to protect PDF's and DOC's selection page when logged in but this doesn't prevent an unauthorized user from viewing the documents if they have knowledge of the.. if they have knowledge of the full URL. How can I prevent unauthorized users from accessing these files I assume this is a common problem..
How to make a redirect in PHP? refresh Possible This could even protect my pages from unauthorized users. php redirect share improve this question Summary..