

php Programming Glossary: uiimagejpegrepresentation

Newbie having issues with uploading a file using ASIHTTPRequest


didFinishSavingWithError contextInfo nil self uploadImage UIImageJPEGRepresentation imageView.image 1.0 filename imageName captionControls.hidden.. UIGraphicsEndImageContext NSData imageData UIImageJPEGRepresentation newImage 0.5 and it started working the height and width of..

POST jpeg upload with AFNetworking


photoName NSData photoImageData UIImageJPEGRepresentation self.remoteImage.image 1.0 photoImageData writeToFile filePath..

Uploading an image to a server through imagepicker doesnt work (need solution)


info double compressionRatio 1 NSData imageData UIImageJPEGRepresentation info objectForKey UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage compressionRatio.. 50000 compressionRatio compressionRatio 0.50 imageData UIImageJPEGRepresentation info objectForKey UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage compressionRatio.. standardUserDefaults synchronize NSData imageData2 UIImageJPEGRepresentation yourUIImage 90 NSString urlString @ http myserver upload.php..