php Programming Glossary: uksort
Are PHP Associative Arrays ordered? functions to deal with the array key ordering like ksort uksort and krsort Further PHP allows you to declare arrays with numeric..
Sorting files with DirectoryIterator offsetSet file getFilename file getFileInfo this _storage uksort function a b return strcmp a b public function getIterator..
How to enable HTTPS stream wrappers 2 'SignatureMethod' 'HmacSHA256' See docs http jbjd uksort params 'strnatcmp' qstr '' foreach params as key val qstr ...
another twitter oAuth cURL access token request that fails array_values params params array_combine keys values uksort params 'strcmp' convert params to string foreach params as.. hash_hmac 'sha1' baseString secret TRUE BUILD URL Resort uksort params 'strcmp' convert params to string foreach params as..
Sort multidimensional array alphabetically array share improve this question Aha You need uksort Comparison of PHP sorting functions. dam useful Edit Reason.. true .' pre ' Important As a side effect of not using uksort if the same array references to itself you get an infinite loop...
How to sort a date array in PHP sort key is in the sub arrays. In this case you should use uksort as recommended elsewhere but I would recommend that you go with..
How can I sort arrays in php by a custom alphabet? own sorting logic. See for an example. Edit use uksort not usort . See http manual en function.uksort.php.. uksort not usort . See http manual en function.uksort.php . Thanks @Darien A slightly modified example from a alphabet b 1 1 a array 3 'c' 2 'b' 5 'e' 6 'f' 1 'a' uksort a cmp foreach a as key value echo key value n share improve..
Sorting with a modulus I am trying trying to sort a list into columns with uksort. The array already alpha sorted so it is like array 'A' 'B'.. 1 elseif a 4 b 4 return 1 else return a b 1 1 result uksort thearray cmp_nav_by4 php sorting matrix modulus share improve.. b use columns bycol a columns b columns return bycol a b uksort array sort 4 return array Output One row A E I M B F J C G K..