php Programming Glossary: ua
How can I scrape website content in PHP from a website that requires a cookie login? automated tool they're looking at see comment by Halfer . ua 'Mozilla 5.0 Windows NT 5.1 rv 16.0 Gecko 20100101 Firefox 16.0.. ch CURLOPT_URL url1 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_USERAGENT ua curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE cookiefile curl_setopt ch.. aware browser sending meaningful data and sniffing what actually gets sent we might be able to overcome this particular obstacle...
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection wurflInfo wurflManager getWURFLInfo if isset _GET 'ua' trim _GET 'ua' ua _GET 'ua' requestingDevice wurflManager getDeviceForUserAgent.. wurflManager getWURFLInfo if isset _GET 'ua' trim _GET 'ua' ua _GET 'ua' requestingDevice wurflManager getDeviceForUserAgent.. getWURFLInfo if isset _GET 'ua' trim _GET 'ua' ua _GET 'ua' requestingDevice wurflManager getDeviceForUserAgent..
Get operating system info with PHP member on SO. The comment read as Comment because msie11's ua doesn't include msie it includes trident instead I researched..
User activity feed (ala facebook). How to group similar activities? because I use a really big JOIN to get all the data SELECT ua.datetime ua.imdbID ua.personID sa.activityID sa.activity m.title.. a really big JOIN to get all the data SELECT ua.datetime ua.imdbID ua.personID sa.activityID sa.activity m.title m.year.. big JOIN to get all the data SELECT ua.datetime ua.imdbID ua.personID sa.activityID sa.activity m.title m.year
Unable to parse xml data with colon (:) from response using getNamespaces() at 2 uid 0000000000000000 noHash true testmode true ua Mozilla 5.0 Linux U Android 2.2.1 en us Nexus One Build FRG83..
PHP/MySQL - an array filter for bots with foreach and check if the current word exists in the UA string using strpos foreach words as word if strpos row 'user_agent'..
GeoLocation API TR Asia TT North America TV Australia TW Asia TZ Africa UA Europe UG Africa US North America UY South America UZ Asia VC..
How to store configuration parameters in SVN? SVN Like many projects we deploy to many environments QA UA Developer trunks etc.. What is the best way to store sensitive..
Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats? going around with Google Crawler or something similar as a UA unless they're working on breaking something. I know you don't..
Insert Page in html design Type content text html charset UTF 8 meta http equiv X UA Compatible content IE edge title sample title link rel stylesheet..
List of All Locales and Their Short Codes? Cyrl TJ th TH tk TM tn ZA tr TR tt RU tzm Latn DZ ug CN uk UA ur PK uz Cyrl UZ uz Latn UZ vi VN wo SN xh ZA yo NG zh CN zh..
Header Location + Content Disposition Pragma no cache Server Vary Accept Encoding X Powered By X UA Compatible IE Edge chrome 1 php http headers content disposition..