php Programming Glossary: uid
Mysqli update throwing Call to a member function bind_param() error autocommit FALSE function updateColumn memberMysqli query uid value if value stmt memberMysqli prepare query Throws bind.. Throws bind param error here stmt bind_param ss value uid stmt execute function loopInputs array memberMysqli rowid foreach..
What does it mean to start a PHP function with an ampersand? ... public function users_hasAppPermission ext_perm uid null return this call_method 'facebook.users.hasAppPermission'.. array 'ext_perm' ext_perm 'uid' uid ... What does the at the beginning of the function definition.. array 'ext_perm' ext_perm 'uid' uid ... What does the at the beginning of the function definition..
PHP error: Cannot modify header information ??headers already sent [duplicate] This is what I have include_once header.php if _SESSION 'uid' 'programmer' header 'Location index.php' echo 'you cannot.. as you've indicated in comments that header.php sets the uid session and other vital stuff . Call ob_start at the top of..
How can I tag a user in a photo using the Facebook Graph API? API I tried args array 'access_token' access_token 'id' uid url https idPhoto tags ch curl_init curl_setopt..
Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, [duplicate] FROM tbl_quevote WHERE que_id ' . qid. ' and voteby ' . uid. ' result mysqli query q or die mysqli_error mysqli num_rows..
PHP (MySQL) error : “Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource” [duplicate] requested a new password messages. br a href 'confirm.php uid . unique . ' Confirmation Link a r n sentmail mail to subject..
php send email with attachment content chunk_split base64_encode file_get_contents file uid md5 uniqid time from str_replace array r n '' from to prevent.. Version 1.0 r n . Content Type multipart mixed boundary . uid. r n r n . This is a multi part message in MIME format. r n.. r n . This is a multi part message in MIME format. r n . . uid. r n . Content type text plain charset iso 8859 1 r n . Content..
Publishing To User's Wall Without Being Online/Logged-in - Facebook Sharing Using Graph API facebook sharing. I want to make a user log in using his uid and then store these for further uses The primary purpose is..
facebook Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user true me null Session based API call. if session try uid facebook getUser me facebook api ' me' catch FacebookApiException..
PHP multi dimensional array search array search i have an array where i want to search the uid and get the key of the multidimensional array for eg search.. the key of the multidimensional array for eg search 100 uid of first user and the function should return 0 and if i search.. a faster exxecuting code Any help userdb Array 0 Array uid '100' name 'Sandra Shush' url 'urlof100' 1 Array uid '5465'..
SQL injections in ADOdb and general website security WHERE videoID ' .mysql_real_escape_string videoID . ' AND UID ' .mysql_real_escape_string userID . ' LIMIT 1 connection execute..
Two-way encryption in PHP obviously uses a unique ID to distinguish records. This UID is passed in URLs e.g. . examplepage.php UID example_int among.. records. This UID is passed in URLs e.g. . examplepage.php UID example_int among other things. While I obviously have server.. encryption method I can use in PHP to only pass encrypted UIDs e.g. . examplepage.php EUID encrypted_int to further reduce..
Facebook API & Ajax POST request window.location.reload we should see the Facebook user ID UID . The problem is the UID is still empty after the page is reloaded.. should see the Facebook user ID UID . The problem is the UID is still empty after the page is reloaded through the ajax callback... refresh the page manually one more time I can now see the UID. I test many ways to understand where the problem comes from..
How can I use PHP to dynamically publish an ical file to be read by Google Calendar? 2.0 PRODID hacksw handcal NONSGML v1.0 EN BEGIN VEVENT UID . md5 uniqid mt_rand true . @yourhost.test DTSTAMP . gmdate..
pass arraylist bean from android to webservice php 0 UserFunctions userFunction new UserFunctions Log.d TAG UID mEmail Log.d TAG resultTest resultTest JSONObject jsonTest.. TAG_TEST_ID test.setUid testData.getInt TAG_UID JSONArray list new JSONArray String list2 for int position..
How can I display the users profile pic using the facebook graph api? url for their profile picture is http UID picture where in place of UID you place your uid variable and.. is http UID picture where in place of UID you place your uid variable and that url can be passed to flash..
Facebook mutual friends and FQL 4999/5000 record limit all mutual friends' connections with PHP FQL. Using my UID 540 friends which means 12 000 connections of which 6500 are.. the 5000 row limit on FQL queries by chunking the array of UIDs using the appropriately named array_chunk PHP function and..
Facebook publish stream directly using PHP object result false feed_dir ' '. to_uid.' feed ' to the UID you want to send to message_str 'Why does facebook development..
SEO Friendly URL is welcome Table Structure ID Title Tags Category UID Added I'm using PHP APACHE and no framework I dont want to use..
Best method for storing a list of user IDs to rate the user has to log in. Each user has a unique UID . There will be multiple rating instances on the website one.. my case and I need an efficient way of storing a list of UIDs in a MySQL row one MySQL row in the ratings table for each.. serialized array has to extracted unserialized the new UID is inserted the array is re serialized and the MySQL row is..
“[notice] child pid XXXX exit signal Segmentation fault (11)” in apache error.log [closed] of the child processes in this case PID 690 columns are UID PID PPID ... sudo gdb gdb attach 690 Attaching to process 690...