php Programming Glossary: themes
How to become an OpenCart guru? and can be accessed as such in the view Understanding themes Themes are available to the catalog side only and are basically.. theme name from the path as it doesn't allow differing themes Template files reside in a template folder within the theme.. template is used instead as a fallback. This means themes can be created with very few files and still function fully...
How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode? click New quote a new quote is loaded The PHP wp content themes your_theme js ajax load quote.php php uncomment the below if.. the above via a shortcode later. The jQuery wp content themes your_theme js ajax load quote.js function ajaxQuote var theQuote.. theQuote ajaxQuote return false functions.php wp content themes your_theme functions.php function random_quote atts extracts..
How to add a php page to Wordpress post.php or page.php in your theme folder under wp content themes themename . Rename the new file as templatename.php where templatename..
PHP: Creating Extensible CMS System will allow developers to Add plugins widgets Add templates themes I thought Observer Patten may be useful but I am not that sure.. to add plugins for example like WordPress Ability to add themes templates for example like WordPress Design Pattern What Not..
What's the best way for a fairly experience developer to learn PhP in the wordpress theme directory wordpress wp content themes nameofthetheme Try editing a file such as sidebar.php . You..
compress/archive folder using php script RecursiveIteratorIterator new RecursiveDirectoryIterator themes iterate over the directory add each file found to the archive..
Cached, PHP generated Thumbnails load slow: How to find problem/solution from Waterfall graphs? ui.min.js If you're using one of the default jQuery UI themes you can also pull its CSS and images off the Google CDN . With..
.htaccess to add dynamic url segments to an existing rewrite rule with the new url in my PHP code my current path to my themes is library themes users slate with sub folders css and js My.. url in my PHP code my current path to my themes is library themes users slate with sub folders css and js My attempt # Rewrite..
How can I make this hover code shorter? And how can I create a css file that implements settings to more than one button? THIS THING ON title link rel stylesheet href . wp content themes cosmicbuddy _inc css screen.css type text css style head body.. CSS file it refers too .myButton background url wp content themes cosmicbuddy _inc images see.gif no repeat border 1 cursor pointer.. margin left 5px .myButton hover background url wp content themes cosmicbuddy _inc images too.gif no repeat Now I have two questions..