php Programming Glossary: textual
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? statements may be a little slower than issuing a plain textual query using emulated prepared statements. On many database systems..
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? not an option you can also convert the binary data into a textual representation using base64_encode or bin2hex doing so requires..
how safe are PDO prepared statements you called execute . So they are kept separate from the textual form of the query. There's never an opportunity for SQL injection..
Formatting a timestamp you may want to tweak it strtotime Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp share improve this..
PHPDoc for variable-length arrays of arguments documenting the configuration array beyond just the purely textual description Actually specifying a proper @param type name desc..
PHP date() format when inserting into datetime in MySQL The problem is that you're using 'M' and 'D' which are a textual representations MySQL is expecting a numeric representation..
How to create Server-side Progress indicator in JavaScript? a some kind of progress indicator like progress bar or textual percentage. I'm using jQuery as my JavaScript library and CodeIgniter..
How to make a Multilanguage website in php and Mysql space but you should make sure to add some visual ie non textual hints. Some sites force you to pick a language upon entering..
PHP & xPath Question the use of the nodeValue property to get the element's textual representation elements xPath query @class 'nombrecomplejo'..
Adding attributes to customer entity array 'input' 'text' 'type' 'int' 'label' 'Some textual description' 'visible' 1 'required' 0 'user_defined' 1 setup..
Convert date format for db [duplicate] d Day of the month 2 digits with leading zeros D A textual representation of a day three letters j Day of the month without.. letters j Day of the month without leading zeros l A full textual representation of the day of the week N ISO 8601 numeric representation.. number of year weeks starting on Monday Month F A full textual representation of a month such as January or March m Numeric..
Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string As I wrote in a comment you first need to find the textual offset where to do the cut. First of all I setup a DOMDocument.. new TextRange parent find position where to cut the HTML textual represenation by looking for a word or the at least matching.. expression finds the offset where to cut things in the textual representation made available by range . The regex pattern is..
Reaching 100% Code Coverage with PHPUnit 0 seconds Memory 3.50Mb OK 1 test 1 assertion Generating textual code coverage report this may take a moment. Code Coverage Report.. 0 seconds Memory 3.50Mb OK 1 test 2 assertions Generating textual code coverage report this may take a moment. Code Coverage Report..
Convert PDF to HTML [closed] has many job resumes. It is a good solution for extracting textual content however. I would give the scribd API a try or the google..