php Programming Glossary: th
How can I find unused functions in a PHP project How can I find unused functions in a PHP project Are there features or API's built into PHP that will allow me to analyse.. a PHP project Are there features or API's built into PHP that will allow me to analyse my codebase for example Reflection.. my codebase for example Reflection token_get_all Are these API's feature rich enough for me not to have to rely on a..
str_shuffle and randomness randomness A while back I wrote a random string generator that builds a string using the mt_rand th character in a string.. wrote a random string generator that builds a string using the mt_rand th character in a string until the desired length is.. string generator that builds a string using the mt_rand th character in a string until the desired length is reached. public..
Best pdf generator in PHP , mpdf or fpdf? [closed] pdf generator in PHP mpdf or fpdf closed Which is th best pdf generator for php i know some opensources libs mpdf.. Thanx in advance php pdf pdf generation share improve this question personally i'd rather go with tcpdf which is an.. share improve this question personally i'd rather go with tcpdf which is an ehnanced and mantained version of..
URL Friendly Username in PHP? Username in PHP On my PHP site currently users login with an email address and a password. I would like to add a username.. and a password. I would like to add a username as well this username they g set will be unique and they cannot change.. I would like to add a username as well this username they g set will be unique and they cannot change it. I am wondering..
How do I catch a PHP Fatal Error work for fatal E _ERROR errors such as calling a function that doesn't exist. Is there another way to catch these errors.. errors such as calling a function that doesn't exist. Is there another way to catch these errors I am trying to call mail.. such as calling a function that doesn't exist. Is there another way to catch these errors I am trying to call mail for all..
Php recursion to get all possibilities of strings 1 'd' seq 2 'f' seq 3 'w' seq 4 's' for i 1 i 5 i s 'length_1' seq i c1 for i2 i 1 i2 5 i2 s 'length_2' seq i . seq i2.. i 1 i 5 i s 'length_1' seq i c1 for i2 i 1 i2 5 i2 s 'length_2' seq i . seq i2 last seq i . seq i2 c2 for i3 i2 1 i3 5 i3.. seq i2 last seq i . seq i2 c2 for i3 i2 1 i3 5 i3 s 'length_3' last. seq i3 last last. seq i3 c3 for i4 i3 1 i4 5 i4..
Finding cartesian product with PHP associative arrays cartesian product with PHP associative arrays Say that I have an array like the following.. cartesian product with PHP associative arrays Say that I have an array like the following Array arm Array 0 A 1.. with PHP associative arrays Say that I have an array like the following Array arm Array 0 A 1 B 2 C gender Array 0 Female..
Transposing multidimensional arrays in PHP a multidimensional array in PHP For example Start with this array foo array 'a' array 1 'a1' 2 'a2' 3 'a3' 'b' array.. a multidimensional array in PHP For example Start with this array foo array 'a' array 1 'a1' 2 'a2' 3 'a3' 'b' array 1.. c string 2 c2 How would you implement flipDiagonally Edit this is not homework. I just want to see if any SOers have a more..
How do I retrieve the visitor's ISP through PHP? do I retrieve the visitor's ISP through PHP How do I find out the ISP provider.. do I retrieve the visitor's ISP through PHP How do I find out the ISP provider of a person viewing.. retrieve the visitor's ISP through PHP How do I find out the ISP provider of a person viewing a PHP page Is it possible..
Converting a UNIX Timestamp to Formatted Date String
PHP preg_match with working regex var_dump validateDate '2012 02 28T12 12 12 02 00' 'Y m d TH i sP' # true # or var_dump validateDate '2012 02 28T12 12 12..
GeoLocation API Africa TC North America TD Africa TF Antarctica TG Africa TH Asia TJ Asia TK Australia TM Asia TN Africa TO Australia TR..
How does similar_text work? around changing the result similar_text 'PHP IS GREAT' 'WITH MYSQL' p echo p . hr 27.272727272727 similar_text 'WITH MYSQL'.. 'WITH MYSQL' p echo p . hr 27.272727272727 similar_text 'WITH MYSQL' 'PHP IS GREAT' p echo p . hr 18.181818181818 Can anybody.. is equally different . Now the phrases PHP IS GREAT and WITH MYSQL should have 5 characters in common irrelevant of which..
PHP DateTime microseconds always returns 0 for microseconds php dt new DateTime echo dt format Y m d TH i s.u . n Output root@www1 ~ php date_test.php 2008 10 03T20.. really support it function getTimestamp return date Y m d TH i s . substr string microtime 1 8 share improve this answer..
Same array indexes - sequential comparison a sort y 1 strpos a ' ' 0 switch b case b true echo TH class tr1 td26 P class p16 ft4 .substr sort y 0 strpos sort.. P class p12 ft4 .ltrim substr sort b strpos sort b ' ' . p TH echo TH class tr1 td26 P class p12 ft4 .ltrim substr sort y.. p12 ft4 .ltrim substr sort b strpos sort b ' ' . p TH echo TH class tr1 td26 P class p12 ft4 .ltrim substr sort y strpos sort..
How to enable HTTPS stream wrappers creds 'access_key' 'Timestamp' gmdate 'Y m d TH i s Z' 'Version' '2008 05 05' 'ZoneName.0' 'us east 1a' 'ZoneName.1'..
List of All Locales and Their Short Codes? Latn RS sv FI sv SE sw KE syr SY ta IN te IN tg Cyrl TJ th TH tk TM tn ZA tr TR tt RU tzm Latn DZ ug CN uk UA ur PK uz Cyrl..
Java Webservice Client UsernameToken equivalent to PHP code password super_secure_pass timestamp gmdate 'Y m d TH i s Z' nonce mt_rand passdigest base64_encode pack 'H ' sha1..
How do I get the first day of the week for the current locale? (PHP / L8N) IE IL IN IS JM JP KG KR LA MH MN MO MP MT NZ PH PK SG SY TH TT TW UM US UZ VI ZW firstDay day sun territories ET MW NG TJ..
php - add two hours to date variable command time date_format DateTime createFromFormat Y m d TH i sO date G i Now I'd like to add 3 minutes to that variable.. 18T19 56 00 0200' dateTime DateTime createFromFormat Y m d TH i sO date_rfc2822 echo date 'G i' strtotime ' 2 hours' dateTime..
I don't get prices with Amazon Product Advertising API 'ASIN' 'ItemId' artNr params 'Timestamp' gmdate Y m d TH i s. 0 0 0 Z time url_parts array foreach array_keys params..