

php Programming Glossary: textcontent

How to modify xml file using PHP


as marker type marker getElementsByTagName 'type' item 0 textContent title marker getElementsByTagName 'title' item 0 textContent.. title marker getElementsByTagName 'title' item 0 textContent address marker getElementsByTagName 'address' item 0 textContent.. address marker getElementsByTagName 'address' item 0 textContent latitude marker getElementsByTagName 'latitude' item 0 textContent..

Fetch specific tag with an attribute value from XML


Order Owner ' for i 0 i items length i echo items item i textContent . ' br ' Actually by this url I am getting the xml file. But.. Order Owner ' for i 0 i items length i echo items item i textContent . ' br ' It will output Adithya Buddhavarapu Adithya Buddhavarapu..

XPath query with PHP


lemonade price' foreach queryResult as result echo result textContent That code is working well outputting all the lemonade price..

PHP DOMElement::getElementsByTagName - Anyway to get just the immediate matching children?


Highlight keywords in a paragraph


continue fragment dom createDocumentFragment text child textContent stubs array while pos stripos text keyword false fragment appendChild.. keyword.' span ' foreach elements as element stub element textContent regex '#^. w W '. maxStubHalf.' '. preg_quote keyword '#'..

DOMDocument saveHTML without HTML wrapper?


just before the keyword keynode node splitText strpos node textContent keyword Split after the keyword node nextSibling splitText strlen.. b keyword b replacement d createElement 'strong' keynode textContent keynode parentNode replaceChild replacement keynode postarray..

Grabbing title of a website using DOM [duplicate]


PHP DOM get nodevalue html? (without stripping tags)


as a stab in the dark using the API docs does echo entry textContent work Adding an update. This is from the comments located on..

How to get values inside <![CDATA[values]] > using php DOM?


which is a constant with the value 4 . DOMNode textContent &mdash get the text content of any node. Note Your CDATA sections.. the node type is XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE If it is echo the textContent of that node. Code doc new DOMDocument doc load 'test.xml' destinations.. child if child nodeType XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE echo child textContent . br Result Aghia Paraskevi Skiatos Greece Amettla Spain Amoliani..

get HTML element by attribute value in php


found out how to get the elements' text content a item i textContent So if included in loop and echoed I get apple cat orange dog.. on target attributes which aren't fruit and then add the textContent of the elements to an array. nodes array for i i a length i.. 'target' if attr 'fruit' continue nodes a item i textContent nodes now contains all the nodes of the elements which have..