

php Programming Glossary: thead

Displaying a table in PHP with repeated columns


has been to display the data in the following format table thead th Name th th MetaValue1 th thead tbody tr td Rose td td .. following format table thead th Name th th MetaValue1 th thead tbody tr td Rose td td ul li Drinker li li Nice Person..

How can I pass the chosen value on a modal-box to PHP?


form id products_modal_box_form action # method post table thead tr th nbsp th th Product th tr thead Query for read mysql.. method post table thead tr th nbsp th th Product th tr thead Query for read mysql goes here I skipped this line because..

How to bind event on dynamic generated input element (check box)


'section' dropdown_section div table class table border 1 thead tr th Select th th Cause th th Monthly Charge th tr thead tbody.. thead tr th Select th th Cause th th Monthly Charge th tr thead tbody id selectedServices tbody tr td Total td td Fee td td.. like tble 2 in fiddle table id abcd class table border 1 thead tr th Select th th Cause th th Monthly Charge th tr thead tbody..

help on building a basic php search engine


id tableresults cellpadding 0 cellspacing 0 border 1 thead tr style height 20px th Image th th php echo isset _SESSION.. 'search index sortby price' 'Price' th th Actions th tr thead tbody php foreach data as d echo ' tr class result ' echo..

Symfony 1.4 with TCPDF: How to retreive data from a database and show it as a .pdf file?


h2 Listado de Conflictos h2 table cellspacing 1 border 1 thead tr th Id th th Ver acciones br conflictivas th th Ver actores.. estado th th Descripcion sector th th Fecha final th tr thead tbody php foreach conflictos1s as conflictos1 tr td php echo.. h2 Listado de Conflictos h2 table cellspacing 1 border 1 thead tr th width 2 Id th th width 6 Fecha comienzo th th Relacion..

How do I catch a PHP Fatal Error


trace print_r debug_backtrace false true content table thead bgcolor '#c8c8c8' th Item th th Description th thead tbody content.. table thead bgcolor '#c8c8c8' th Item th th Description th thead tbody content . tr valign 'top' td b Error b td td pre errstr..

How to create a HTML Table from a PHP array?


table in the database later. php if count shop 0 table thead tr th php echo implode ' th th ' array_keys current shop th.. php echo implode ' th th ' array_keys current shop th tr thead tbody php foreach shop as row array_map 'htmlentities' row tr..

Using PHP as template engine


for this purpose h1 Users h1 php if count users 0 table thead tr th Id th th First Name th th Last Name th tr thead tbody.. thead tr th Id th th First Name th th Last Name th tr thead tbody php foreach users as user tr td php echo htmlentities..