php Programming Glossary: thekey
TripleDES in Perl/PHP/ColdFusion resulting string. Coldfusion Crypt here be monsters cfset theKey 123412341234123412341234 cfset theString username test123 cfset.. username test123 cfset strEncodedEnc Encrypt theString theKey DESEDE Base64 resulting string strEncodedEnc tc Jb7E9w HpU2Yvn5dA7ILGmyNTQM0h.. and the resulting string. PHP Circus here be Elephants theKey 123412341234123412341234 theString username test123 strEncodedEnc..
Un-encrypting / re-encrypting a ColdFusion encrypted string in PHP a cookie with an encrypted string. encrypt strToEncrypt theKey AES Base64 I can successfully decrypt this string in PHP using.. code mcrypt_decrypt MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 base64_decode theKey base64_decode encrypted_string MCRYPT_MODE_ECB 0000000000000000.. I have is mcrypt_encrypt MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 base64_decode theKey strToEncrypt MCRYPT_MODE_ECB 0000000000000000 This however is..