php Programming Glossary: textnode
How can I replace strings NOT within a link tag? ' b ' . implode ' ' array_keys wrap . ' b ' foreach t as textNode if textNode parentNode tagName a continue sections preg_split.. ' ' array_keys wrap . ' b ' foreach t as textNode if textNode parentNode tagName a continue sections preg_split preg_find.. tagName a continue sections preg_split preg_find textNode nodeValue null PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE parentNode textNode..
Convert spaces between PRE tags, via DOM parser new DOMXPath dom foreach xp query ' text ancestor pre ' as textNode remaining textNode while nextSpace strpos remaining wholeText.. xp query ' text ancestor pre ' as textNode remaining textNode while nextSpace strpos remaining wholeText ' ' FALSE remaining..
DOMDocument : how to get inner HTML as Strings separated by line-breaks? dom foreach xp query ' html body blockquote p text ' as textNode echo n li trim textNode textContent The non XPath alternative.. ' html body blockquote p text ' as textNode echo n li trim textNode textContent The non XPath alternative would be to iterate the..
Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string this range split count foreach this range getNodes as textNode textNode parentNode removeChild textNode this range setNodes.. split count foreach this range getNodes as textNode textNode parentNode removeChild textNode this range setNodes remainder.. getNodes as textNode textNode parentNode removeChild textNode this range setNodes remainder getNodes public function rtrim..