php Programming Glossary: text1
how to use imagick annotateImage for chinese text? 8' 'GB18030' only PHP 5.4.0 in your code text is rather text1 and text2 . Then there are at least two things to fix in your..
How to put string in array, split by new line? jump one index place in the array . If the string is My text1 here is a line break My text2 here is a line break My text3.. a line break My text3 The result I want is this array 0 My text1 array 1 My text2 array 2 My text3 php string line breaks .. For instance if you have this piece of code str My text1 nMy text2 nMy text3 arr explode n str var_dump arr You'd get..
Construct a PHP variable name based on other variable values and static text I've stored a string 'Welcome to the week' in d_monday_text1. Rather than build a set of 7 conditional statements e.g. if.. by concatenating the name of the variable s_day date l text1 ' d_'. s_day.'_text1' I'm hoping this evaluates to d_monday_text1.. the name of the variable s_day date l text1 ' d_'. s_day.'_text1' I'm hoping this evaluates to d_monday_text1 which as mentioned..
userland multipart/form-data handler Content Disposition form data name text field 1 inject 1 text1 te twj sakfkl 3wCuBwquE9P7A4OEylndVx Content Disposition form..
php xpath get attribute value [duplicate] to extract an html tag value html input type hidden name text1 id text1 value need to get this php homepage file_get_contents.. an html tag value html input type hidden name text1 id text1 value need to get this php homepage file_get_contents 'http.. xpath new DOMXpath doc filtered xpath query input @name 'text1' How to get value need to get this Update I got it working hope..